Thursday, February 6, 2014



Teacher Recruitment News

Case Status
Status : PENDING

Status of : Special Leave Petition (Civil)    1874 -1902    OF   2014




Listed 0 times earlier                                                             Next Date of listing is : 07/02/2014

As per info from social media :


Questions of Law: A. Whether, the Hon’ble High Court was justified in directing the appointment beyond the purview of statutory Rules, 1981 and also beyond the notification of the NCTE dated 11.02.2011 (Clause 9B) issued as per the provisions of Section 23(1) of the Central Act No. 35 of 2009?

B. Whether, the Hon’ble High Court can declare Rule-14(3) as per 15th Amendment, 2012 made in Rules, 1981 as Ultra-vires to Article 14 of the Constitution without considering and deciding the fate of the candidates who have already been appointed as per same Rule -14(3)?

C. Whether, the Hon’ble High Court can direct the appointment as per notification dated 30.11.2011 without considering and deciding that the post of Trainee Teacher was not even inserted in Rules., 1981 till 30.11.2011?

D. Whether, the Hon’ble High Court can direct the appointment on the post of Trainee Teacher on the score of TET examination, firstly which is only qualifying examination under the guidelines of NCTE and also under the statutory Rules; secondly the same is based on total malpractice and has got no sanctity as decided by the High Power Committee through its decision dated 10.04.2012 and also the consequential decision of the Cabinet dated 26.07.2012 and the Government Order dated 26.07.2012, which are still unchallenged in any of the writ petitions or Special Appeals?

E. Weather, the Hon’ble High Court can direct the appointment of the candidates who have already received/returned back the due fees of their application forms and on the basis of the same, whose application forms have been destroyed and are not available with the Government/Department?

 F. Whether, the Hon’ble High Court is justified in directing the appointment without considering the candidature of the candidates who have appeared and passed UP TET, 2013?

G. Whether, the Hon’ble High Court was justified in directing the appointment on the basis of scores of the TET Examination, the merit of which was already sub-judice before the Hon’ble High Court itself?

GROUNDS: The petitioners are filing the instant Special Leave Petition on the following amongst other grounds: A. Because, the impugned judgment is illegal, bad and based on non-existing facts and law both. B. Because, the impugned judgment, an eligibility qualification for appointment on the post in question has been indirectly prescribed beyond the purview of the statutory said Rules, 1981 and 2011 and also the guidelines issued by the Central authority and the provisions of Central Act No. 35 of 2009 and as such, is without jurisdiction and in violation of Article 309 of The Constitution of India. C. Because, the Hon’ble High Court has committed illegality in direction the appointment beyond the purview of statutory Rules, 1981 and also beyond the notification of the NCTE dated 11.02.2011 (Clause 9B) issued as per the provisions of Section 23(1) of the Central Act No. 35 of 2009. D. Because, the Hon’ble High Court has committed grave illegality in declaring Rule-14(3) as per 15th Amendment, 2012 made is Rules, 1981 as ultra-virus to Article 14 of the Constitution without considering and deciding the fate of the candidates who have already been appointed as per same Rule-14(3). E. Because, the Hon’ble High Court could not legally direct the appointment as per notification dated 30.11.2011, without considering and deciding that the post of Trainee Teacher was not even inserted in Rules, 1981 till 30.11.2011. F. Because, the Hon’ble High Court manifestly erred in direct the appointment on the basis of score of TET examination, firstly which is only qualifying examination under the guidelines of NCTE and also under the statutory Rules; secondly the same is based on total malpractice and has got no sanctity as decided by the High Power Committee through its decision dated 10.04.2012 and also the consequential decision of the Cabinet dated 26.07.2012 and the Government Order dated 26.07.2012, which are still unchallenged in any of the writ petitions of Special Appeals. G. Because, the Hon’ble High Court failed to appreciate that the mere selection in an examination does not give an indefeasible right of appointment to a candidate and that too beyond the provision of Central Act and consequential guideline Central Academic body. H. Because, the Hon’ble High Court failed to appreciate that in the present case merely the selection process was changed without altering the criteria of selection, which is wholly permissible in law. I. Because, the Hon’ble High Court failed to appreciate that an appointment can be made only as per applicable rule on the date of the appointment. J. Because the Division Bench of the High Court has wrongly interpreted the advertisement dated 30.11.2011 and held that the appointments to be made thereby were not of Trainee Teachers but in the existing cadre of the Assistant Teachers of 1981 Rules. The Division Bench has failed to that the advertisement dated 30.11.2011 was for selection of Trainee Teachers, which cadre was non-existent in 1981 Rules, and not for Assistant Teachers envisaged by the said Rules and therefore the decision of the learned Single Judge that, the advertisement dated 30.11.2011 was bad, was correct. K. Because the Division Bench of the High Court has failed to appreciate that Clause 9(b) of guidelines dated 11.02.2011 merely prescribed for giving weightage to the TET scores in the recruitment process and not to be the sole criteria for appointment of Teachers, rather the Clause 9(b) itself prescribes that, “qualifying the TET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/ employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria of appointment and therefore the State Government had not committed an error is issuing 15th amendment rules and prescribing TET only as one of the essential qualification and reverting to the earlier criteria of Quality Points based on the entire academic record of the candidate. For the same reasons, the high court has committed an error in holding rule 14 (3) of the 15th amendment Rules to be arbitrary and unreasonable and strike down the same on the ground of being violative of Article 14 of the Constitution. L. Because the High Court has committed an error in holding that there was no sufficient material before the State Government to cancel the advertisement dated 30.11.2011 and 20.12.2011. The High Powered Committee had considered the entire material regarding the malpractices and irregularities, which was sufficient in nature to recommend the cancellation of the said advertisement and TET Examination -2011. The said recommendations and the Government decision dated 26.07.2012 accepting and reiteration the recommendations of the High Powered Committee were not challenged before any Court. The Division Bench has therefore committed an error in holding that the full effect ought to have been given to the result of TET Examination -2011, including the marks obtained by candidates. The Court has failed to appreciate the following decisions of this Hon’ble Court and power of the State Government to cancel the selection process, if the irregularities are discovered therein: (A) Union of India Vs. O. Chakradhar –(2002)3 SCC 146. (B) All India Railway Recruitment Board Vs. K. Shyam Sundar –(2010) 6 SCC 614. (C) Madhyamic Siksha Mandal, M.P. Vs. Abhilash Siksha Prasar Samity – (1998) 9 SCC 236. (D) The Bihar School Examination Board Vs. Subhash Chandra Sinha- (1970) 1 SCC 648. M. Because the High Court has committed an error in holding that the criteria of selection was arbitrarily changed during the process of selection. The High Court has failed to appreciate that it is within the power of the State to amend Rules even if process of selection has begun. The petitioners rely upon the following decisions of this Hon’ble Court: (a) State of M.P. Vs. Raghuvir singh Yadav –(1994) 6 SCC 151. (b) Yogesh Kumar Vs. Govt. of NCT of Delhi –(2003) 3 SCC 548. (c) Union of India Vs. Pushpa–(2008) 9 SCC 242. N. Because the High Court has failed to appreciate that in Tej Prakash Pathak & Ors Vs. Rajasthan High Court & Ors. – (2013) 4 SCC 540 this Hon’ble Court has referred to the larger bench the question as to whether the procedure for selection can be changed by the State. 6. Grounds for Interim Relief: The petitioners have set out all the relevant facts in detail in the accompanying List of Dates and they shall crave leave of this Hon’ble Court to refer to and rely upon the same as incorporated herein verbatim for the sake of brevity. The petitioners submit that they have a good case on merits and are likely to succeed before this Hon’ble Court. Therefore, it is desirable in the interest of justice that during the pendency of proceedings before this Hon’ble Court, the interim relief as prayed for herein be granted, else the petitioners shall suffer irreparable loss and injury.

सबसे बड़ी बात है कि एन सी टी ई / आर टी ई एक्ट इस बारे में क्या कहता है -
एन सी टी ई / आर टी ई एक्ट कहता है कि -
1. टी ई टी परीक्षा के अंको को चयन में वेटेज दिया जाये -

9(b) should give weightage to the TET scores in the recruitment process
however, qualifying the TET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for 


2. अभ्यर्थी अपने टी ई टी परीक्षा के अंको को बढ़ाने के लिए टी ई टी परीक्षा को दोबारा से दे सकते है
भला कोई बेरोजगार अभ्यर्थी टी ई टी परीक्षा को दोबारा से क्यूँ दे , जब वह एक बार
परीक्षा दे कर उसे उत्तीर्ण कर चुका  है

टी ई टी अंकों के  सुधार  / वृद्धी   हेतु  , अभ्यर्थी पुन : परीक्षा  में   बैठ  सकते -
See :
Frequency of conduct of TET and validity period of TET certificate :-
11 The appropriate Government should conduct a TET at least once every year. The Validity Period of TET qualifying certificate for appointment will be decided by the appropriate Government subject to a maximum of seven years for all categories. But there will be no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take for acquiring a TET Certificate. A person who has qualified TET may also appear again for improving his/her score. 

CTET Notification : -
There is no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take for acquiring a CTET Certificate. A person who has qualified CTET may also appear again for improving his/her score
The Validity Period of CTET qualifying certificate for appointment will be seven years from the date of declaration of its result for all categories.
There is no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take foracquiring a CTET Certificate. A person who has qualified CTET may also appear again for improving
his/her score.


ये कुछ बातें हैं जो सुप्रीम कोर्ट में ७२८२५ शिक्षकों की भर्ती में टी ई टी मेरिट वालों का पलड़ा भारी करती हैं
इन्ही बातों को हाई कोर्ट ने अपना फैसला सुनते वक्त संज्ञान में लिया था , और टी ई टी मेरिट वालों के पक्ष में फैसला दिया ।
साथ ही शुद्ध अकादमिक मेरिट से भर्ती पर प्रश्न चिन्ह लग गया था

लेकिन ऐसा जरूरी नहीं कि सभी भर्ती सिर्फ टी ई टी मेरिट से हों , अन्य राज्यों में भर्ती - टी ई टी अंको के वेटेज से + अकादमिक अंको के वेटेज से भी हुई हैं
 उत्तर प्रदेश में टी ई टी परीक्षा दो बार हो चुकी है , सी टी ई टी परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थी भी हैं , ऐसे में नयी भर्तियों टीईटी वेटेज सम्भव है ,
लेकिन किसी एक परीक्षा को आधार बना कर चयन करना सम्भव नहीं ,
और एन सी टी ई नियमानुसार चयन में टी ई टी अंको का वेटेज भी  देना है

सबसे बड़ी बात हम  झोला छाप मीडिया / अल्प ज्ञानी पत्रकार वालों की तरह  बातें नहीं लिखते
आपको झोला छाप मीडिया / अल्प ज्ञानी पत्रकार लोग - टी ई टी पात्रता परीक्षा है कह कर आपके जीवन से खिलवाड़ करते हैं ,
और कई अभ्यर्थी सी टी ई टी जैसी परीक्षा में दोबारा भाग नहीं लेते ,
जबकि सी टी ई टी अपने परीक्षा के नोटिफिकेशन में अंक वृद्दि हेतु दोबारा से परीक्षा में बैठने की बात (एन सी टी ई गाइडलाइंस  के तहत ) लिखता है-
 CTET Notification : -
There is no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take for acquiring a CTET Certificate. A person who has qualified CTET may also appear again for improving his/her score
The Validity Period of CTET qualifying certificate for appointment will be seven years from the date of declaration of its result for all categories.
There is no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take foracquiring a CTET Certificate. A person who has qualified CTET may also appear again for improving
his/her score.


Vinay Pandey Allahabad

Jaisa ki 7 feb ki date suprime court ki website par show ho rahi hai par kal kya sunwai hogi ,is par sansay barkarar visay par alag alag ray nimnvat hai..
1) acording to tet morcha pradesh adhyax..ganesh dixit..7 feb ko sunwai hona muskil..,.17 tak kisi halat me sunwai nahi hogi,.date lagne se pahle caviet dalne wale ko sarkar notice bhejti hai aur jab tak notice ki reciving ki copy court me uplabdh nahi hoti tab tak sunwai ho nahi sakti..aur notice registry ke madhyam se aane aur reciving fir court me pahuchne me time lagega..
2) acording to vidhi adhyax s.k.pathak..kal sunwai hona court ke mud par depend hai..hamne caviet ki reciving court tak by hand hand over kar diya hai taki kal hi sunwai chalu ho..agar 7 ko nahi to 10 ko sunwai hona tay hai..
3) acording to vidhik salahkar adwocate navin sharma..kal jarur ku6 na ku6 sunwai hogi..aur 10 ko court urgency mankar next date laga skti hai..jisme kafi ku6 tasvir clear ho jayegi..
4) dosto urdu sikshak ki niyukti rokne se naraj urdu aawedako ke lucknow me dharne se baithne par sarkar sakriy ho gyi hai ,isiliye wo ise urgency btakar jald sunwai ki apeal ki hai..kyuki 15va sansodhan radd hone se sarkar ki tenson badh gyi hai..aur dharm vishesh ki tustikaran ko loksbha me bhunane ki chahat rakhne wali sarkar ke liye urdu sikshak ki niyukti radd hone ka khatra madra raha hai ,isiliye sarkar achanak sakriy hui hai..
Dosto uhapoh bhale ho par agar kal sunwai hoti hai ye ham tetian k liye khusi ki bat hogi..thanx ..jai mata di..jai tet merit




Urdu Teacher Counseling : उर्दू टीचरों की भर्ती के लिए मुख्यमंत्री से गुहार

Urdu Teacher Counseling : उर्दू टीचरों की भर्ती के लिए मुख्यमंत्री से गुहार
Teacher Recruitment News

लखनऊ  मोअल्लिम-ए- उर्दू के रिक्त पदों पर शेष टीईटी पास उर्दू टीचरों की नियुक्ति करने की मांग को लेकर मोअल्लिम-ए-उर्दू एसोसिएशन के बैनर तले सैकड़ों उर्दू टीचरों ने बुधवार को विक्रमादित्य मार्ग स्थित सपा कार्यालय का घेराव किया। एसोसिएशन के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष ताजवर एहतिशाम खां ने बताया कि सरकार द्वारा उर्दू विद्यालयों में 4280 पदों पर उर्दू टीचरों की भर्ती के लिए विज्ञापन निकाला गया था जिसमें केवल 2200 उर्दू टीचरों को ही नियुक्त किया गया था। शेष पद अब भी रिक्त हैं। उन्होंने बताया कि शेष रिक्त पदों पर भर्ती के लिए 5 मार्च 2013 को मुख्यमंत्री से मुलाकात की थी। मुख्यमंत्री ने टीईटी पास करने की अनिवार्यता बतायी थी। ताजवर एहतिशाम खां ने मुख्यमंत्री से गुहार लगायी कि शेष उर्दू शिक्षकों ने टीईटी पास कर लिया है। उन्हें आचार संहिता लागू होने से पहले रिक्त पदों पर नियुक्त किया जाए।

News Source / Sabhaar : (एसएनबी) / Rashtriya Sahara News Paper (6.2.14)

BTC CUT OFF RELEASED : बीटीसी के लिए कटऑफ जारी

BTC CUT OFF RELEASED : बीटीसी के लिए कटऑफ जारी

BTC Cutoff Can Be See on UP Basic Education Website.

Below News Published in Hindustan News Paper -


Below News Published for BTC in Amar Ujala News Paper - >

बीटीसी के लिए कटऑफ जारी
10 से 17 के बीच ऑनलाइन भर सकेंगे विकल्प कटऑफ
लखनऊ । परीक्षा नियामक प्राधिकारी ने लंबी प्रतीक्षा के बाद आखिरकार बीटीसी प्रशिक्षण के लिए अनंतिम कटऑफ जारी कर दिया है। आवेदक गुरुवार से विभागीय वेबसाइट पर पंजीकरण नंबर और जन्म तिथि डालकर कटऑफ लिस्ट में अपना नाम देखने के साथ ही प्रिंट भी निकाल सकेंगे। मेरिट में आने वालों से 10 से 17 फरवरी के बीच ऑनलाइन 10 जिलों का विकल्प लिया जाएगा। उन्हें विकल्प भरने से पहले जिला शिक्षा एवं प्रशिक्षण संस्थान (डायट) से विशेष कोड प्राप्त करना होगा। इसके लिए उन्हें ऑनलाइन निकाला गया प्रिंट ले जाना होगा। सचिव परीक्षा नियामक प्राधिकारी नीना श्रीवास्तव ने इस संबंध में आदेश जारी कर दिया है। दस जिलों का ऑनलाइन विकल्प देने वाले को ही प्रशिक्षण प्रक्रिया में शामिल किया जाएगा। आवेदकों को केवल समाचार पत्रों में प्रकाशित विज्ञापन के माध्यम से ही इसकी सूचना दी जाएगी। व्यक्तिगत रूप से किसी को सूचित नहीं किया जाएगा।
प्रदेश में बीटीसी की 41,450 सीटें हैं। इसमें डायटों में 10,450 तथा 620 निजी कॉलेजों में 31,000 सीटें हैं। इसमें से 39,750 सीटों के लिए कटऑफ जारी किया गया है। शेष बचने वाली सीटें अल्पसंख्यक कॉलेजों के कोटे की हैं। इस पर कॉलेज प्रबंधन सीधे प्रवेश देगा।


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Supreme Court : Hearing on TET Matter ex Expected on 7th Feb 2014 (on ground of URGENT Matter)

Supreme Court : Hearing on TET Matter ex Expected on 7th Feb 2014 (on ground of URGENT Matter)

Tags: Supreme Court of India, UPTET, 72825 Teacher Recruitment, 29334 Junior High School Science Math Teacher Recruitment,

 UPTET  / टीईटी / TET Teacher Eligibility Test Updates / Teacher Recruitment News

सुनने में आ रहा है कि

टी ई टी का मामला सुप्रीम कोर्ट में 7 फरवरी को अर्जेंसी के तहत सुना जायेगा ।
कल तक खबर कि पुष्टि मिल जायेगी

Centre to hike dearness allowance by 10% for second time, will make it 100%

Centre to hike dearness allowance by 10% for second time, will make it 100%

100 फीसदी हो जाएगा कर्मचारियों का महंगाई भत्ता!

केन्द्र कर्मचारियों को जल्द ही बड़ी खुशखबरी मिलने वाली है। केन्द्र सरकार अगले महीने अपने कर्मचारियों के महंगाई भत्ते में 10 फीसदी की बढ़ोतरी की घोषणा कर सकती है।

अगर ऎसा हुआ तो कर्मचारियों का महंगाई भत्ता बढ़कर 100 फीसदी हो जाएगा। केन्द्र के इस फैसले से 50 लाख कर्मचारी और 30 लाख पेंशनधार लाभान्वित होंगे। इससे पहले पिछले साल सितंबर में महंगाई भत्ते में 10 फीसदी की बढ़ोतरी की गई थी। उस वक्त डीए में 10 फीसदी की बढ़ोतरी से महंगाई भत्ता 90 फीसदी हो गया था

बढ़ा हुआ महंगाई भत्ता एक जुलाई 2013 से लागू हुआ था। एक आधिकारिक सूत्र के मुताबिक प्रारंभिक आंकलन से पता चला है कि महंगाई भत्ते में बढ़ोतरी 10 फीसदी से कम नहीं होगी। यह एक जनवरी से लागू होगा। अधिकारी ने कहा कि डीए में कितने फीसदी की बढ़ोतरी होगी इसका आंकलन 28 दिसंबर को जारी होने वाले ऑल इंडिया कंज्यूमर प्राइस इंडेक्स फॉर इंडस्ट्रियल वर्कर्स से होगा। 

31 जनवरी को जारी प्रोविजनल आंकड़ों के मुताबिक फैक्ट्री वर्कर्स के लिए खुदरा महंगाई दर दिसंबर में 9.13 फीसदी थी। अब तक के चलन के मुताबिक सरकार पिछले 12 महीने के सीपीआई-आई डब्ल्यू के आंकड़ों के आधार पर महंगाई भत्ता बढ़ाती आई है। इससे लगता है कि आखिरी दर तय करने के लिए 1 जनवरी से 31 जनवरी 31 दिसंबर 2013 तक के आंकड़े देखे जाएंगे।

केन्द्रीय सरकारी कर्मचारी संघ के अध्यक्ष के.के.एन.कुट्टी ने कहा कि इस बार डीए में 10 फीसदी की बढ़ोतरी हो सकती है। इसकी घोषणा मार्च में हो सकती है। उन्होंने कहा कि डीए को 100 फीसदी करने के अलावा सरकार को सैलरी रिवाइज करनी चाहिए और डीए को मूल वेतन में मिला देना चाहिए।

अभी तक डीए 50 फीसदी से अधिक होने पर उसे मूल वेतन में मिलाया जाता रहा है। इसके कर्मचारियों को कई फायदे होते हैं। उन्हें कई भत्ते मूल वेतन के आधार पर ही मिलते हैं। 

 Centre is likely to announce next month a hike in dearness allowance by 10 per cent to 100 per cent, benefiting about 50 lakh employees and 30 lakh pensioners.

It would be the second double digit DA hike in a row. The government had announced a hike of 10 per cent to 90 per cent in September last year, effective from July 1, 2013.

According to an official source, the preliminary assessment suggests that dearness allowance hike will not be less than 10 per cent and would be effective from January 1 this year.

He said the exact percentage hike in DA could be calculated only when the revised all India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) for December is released on February 28.

According to the provisional data released by government on January 31, the retail inflation for factory workers for the month of December stood at 9.13 per cent.

As per practice, the government uses CPI-IW data of the past 12 months to arrive at a quantum for the purpose of any DA hike. Thus, the retail inflation for industrial workers between January 1 to December 31, 2013 would be used to take a final call on the matter.

"It would be 10 per cent this time and would be announced in March," Confederation of Central Government Employees President K K N Kutty told PTI.

"Besides, raising DA to 100 per cent, the government should revise the pay and merge DA with basic pay", he said.

As per practice, the DA is merged with basic pay when it breaches the 50 per cent mark. DA merger helps employees as their other allowances are paid as a proportion of basic pay.

Kutty informed the central government employees would go on a two-day strike from February 12 and demand pay revision which would be possible through constituting the 7th Pay Commission. The government has announced setting up of the commission last year.

He said: "This DA hike won't help much as actual rise in the cost of living is about 300 per cent as on January 1, 2014. But they would pay us 100 per cent as DA."

Shiksha Mitra News : शिक्षा मित्रों का समायोजन

Shiksha Mitra News : शिक्षा मित्रों का समायोजन

 मित्रों कुछ दिन पहले हमने हिंदुस्तान अखबार कि यह खबर दी थी -
कि टी ई टी से छूट दिलाने के लिए शिक्षा मित्रों को खानपान व यूनिफॉर्म व्यवस्था संचलित करने के कार्य में समायोजित किया जा सकता है ,

लेकिन आज के हिंदुस्तान पेपर में खबर आयी है कि जिस राजस्थान पैटर्न पर यह समायोजन होना है उस राजस्थान पैटर्न पर समायोजन को
सामान्य स्नातकों ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट में चुनौती दे कर याचिका दायर कर दी है कि उन्हें भी मोका मिले
कहीं ये उनके समायोजन में बाधक न बने , उधर सरकार  के पास वादा करने के बाद से अब 72 घंटे और बचे हैं

News Sabhaar : Hindustan Paper (05.02.2014)

BTC : बीटीसी में मनचाहे जिले में पाएं दाखिला

BTC : बीटीसी में मनचाहे जिले में पाएं दाखिला

 UPTET  / टीईटी / TET Teacher Eligibility Test Updates / Teacher Recruitment News

लखनऊ। बीटीसी में इस बार इफराद सीटें होंगी। इसलिए आवेदकों को मनचाहे जिले में दाखिला पाने में किसी तरह की दिक्कत नहीं होगी। सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश पर 75 और बीटीसी कॉलेजों को संबद्धता देने की तैयारी है। शासन स्तर पर इस संबंध में मंथन चल रहा है। शीघ्र ही शासनादेश जारी कर इन कॉलेजों से संबद्धता के लिए आवेदन मांगे जाएंगे।
उत्तर प्रदेश में जिला शिक्षा एवं प्रशिक्षण संस्थान (डायट) में 10,450 सीटें हैं। इसके अलावा 620 निजी कॉलेजों में 31,000 सीटें हैं। बीटीसी के लिए करीब 75 और कॉलेजों को संबद्धता देने के बाद 3750 सीटें और बढ़ जाएंगी। इस तरह कुल 45,200 सीटें हो जाएंगी। बीटीसी के लिए आए ऑनलाइन आवेदन में 54,451 सही पाए गए हैं। आवेदकों और सीटें का मिलान किया जाए तो सीटों के मुकाबले 9,251 अधिक आवेदन आए हैं।
बीटीसी के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन लिए गए थे और किसी भी जिले में आवेदन की छूट दी गई थी। ऐसे में कुछ आवेदकों ने एक से अधिक जिलों में भी आवेदन किए होंगे। स्वाभाविक है कि ऐसे आवेदक केवल एक ही जिले में प्रवेश लेंगे और दूसरे जिलों की सीटों को छोड़ेंगे। ऐसे में कम मेरिट वालों को भी बीटीसी में प्रवेश का मौका मिल जाएगा

News Source / Sabhaar : अमर उजाला(05.02.2014)

29334 Junior High School Science Math Teacher Recruitment, Upper Primary Teacher Recruitment UP : जूनियर शिक्षकों कि भर्ती के लिए होने वाली सशर्त काउंसलिंग को लेकर संशय बकरार

 29334 Junior High School Science Math Teacher Recruitment, Upper Primary Teacher Recruitment UP : जूनियर शिक्षकों कि भर्ती के लिए होने वाली सशर्त  काउंसलिंग को लेकर संशय बकरार

 UPTET  / टीईटी / TET Teacher Eligibility Test Updates / Teacher Recruitment News

अभ्यर्थीयों में जूनियर शिक्षकों कि भर्ती के लिए होने वाली सशर्त  काउंसलिंग को लेकर संशय बकरार ,
क्यूंकि  सशर्त काउंसलिंग , मेरिट कट-ऑफ़ , प्रक्रिया जारी रोकने के लिए कोई स्थगनादेश नहीं है तो काफी सारे अभ्यर्थी उम्मीद कर रहे हैं
कि आज काउंसलिंग की कट ऑफ़ जारी हो सकती है ।

इस बीच दो विरोधाभासी न्यूज़ आयी है -

१. हिंदुस्तान पेपर ने न्यूज़ दी है कि काउंसलिंग मुश्किल

२. जागरण अखबार ने कल देर रात न्यूज़ में सचिव का बयान दिया है  जिसमें  :
शिक्षा निदेशक बासुदेव यादव ने कहा है कि शिक्षामित्रों को शीघ्र ही समायोजित किया जाएगा। पूरा प्रयास किया जा रहा है कि चुनाव आचार संहिता लागू होने के पूर्व यह कार्य कर लिया जाए। उन्होंने जूनियर हाई स्कूल में गणित-विज्ञान के सहायक अध्यापकों के 29 हजार पदों की काउंसिलिंग 12 फरवरी से शुरू किए जाने की बात कही

See News:-
शिक्षामित्रों का समायोजन शीघ्र: बासुदेव यादव
Tue, 04 Feb 2014 08:27 PM (IST)
खुटहन (जौनपुर): शिक्षा निदेशक बासुदेव यादव ने कहा है कि शिक्षामित्रों को शीघ्र ही समायोजित किया जाएगा। पूरा प्रयास किया जा रहा है कि चुनाव आचार संहिता लागू होने के पूर्व यह कार्य कर लिया जाए। उन्होंने जूनियर हाई स्कूल में गणित-विज्ञान के सहायक अध्यापकों के 29 हजार पदों की काउंसिलिंग 12 फरवरी से शुरू किए जाने की बात कही।

श्री यादव मंगलवार को ग्राम विकास इंटर कालेज में शिक्षण कक्ष के लोकार्पण के पश्चात बतौर मुख्य अतिथि बोल रहे थे। उन्होंने कहा कि सपने हमेशा देखना चाहिए और उसी को लक्ष्य मानकर आचरण व श्रम करने से सफलता अवश्य मिलती है। सत्कर्म और अथक प्रयास से भाग्य तो बनता है लेकिन केवल भाग्य के भरोसे रहने वाला इंसान कभी लक्ष्य को हासिल नहीं कर सकता।

अपने संबोधन में जहां उन्होंने शिक्षकों को उनके दायित्वों का बोध कराया वहीं छात्रों को पठन-पाठन से संबंधित कुछ टिप्स भी दिए।

बालिका शिक्षा पर जोर देते हुए कहा कि इनके शिक्षित होने से दो परिवार लाभान्वित होते हैं। माता-पिता शिक्षित हों तो बच्चों में जन्मजात शैक्षिक गुण आ जाते हैं। लोकार्पण के पश्चात अपने संबोधन में उन्हें इस कालेज को पांच विषयों वाणिज्य, गृह विज्ञान, कृषि, सिलाई-कढ़ाई व संगीत विषय की मान्यता दिए जाने की घोषणा की।

कार्यक्रम से पूर्व मां सरस्वती के चित्र के सामने दीप प्रज्ज्वलन किया गया। विद्यालय की छात्रा शिखा पाल, सुप्रिया सिंह व आफरीन ने सरस्वती वंदना तथा गौरवी उपाध्याय एवं ज्योति यादव ने स्वागत गीत प्रस्तुत किया। इस मौके पर जिला विद्यालय निरीक्षक भाष्कर मिश्र, प्रबंधक रामबली यादव, एनके यादव प्रधानाचार्य अनिल उपाध्याय, डा.रमेश सिंह, लक्ष्मीदत्त चतुर्वेदी, खंड शिक्षाधिकारी अशोक यादव, विश्वजीत, रुद्र प्रताप, डा.रणजीत सिंह आदि मौजूद रहे। अध्यक्षता केशवदास गोस्वामी और संचालन राम कुमार यादव ने किया। प्रधानाचार्य डा.रमेश यादव ने आगंतुकों के प्रति आभार ज्ञापित किया।

News Sabhaar : Jagran (04.02.2014)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

UPTET :ठीक एक साल पहले 72825 शिक्षकों की भर्ती पर स्टे

UPTET :ठीक एक साल पहले 72825 शिक्षकों की भर्ती पर स्टे

UPTET  / टीईटी / TET Teacher Eligibility Test Updates / Teacher Recruitment News

आज  से  ठीक एक साल पहले 72825 शिक्षकों की भर्ती पर स्टे लगा था ,
और हमने कोर्ट का यह निर्णय प्रकाशित किया  था

(यह ब्लॉग यू पी टी ई टी के जन्म से आपके साथ , बने रहें जरूरी जानकारी के लिए ब्लॉग के साथ )

UPTET : Stay on Selection Process till 11th Feb 2013
See Hearing Details -

?Court No. - 33 

Case :- SPECIAL APPEAL No. - 150 of 2013 

Petitioner :- Navin Srivastava And Others 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And Others 
Petitioner Counsel :- Abhishek Srivastava 
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C. 
����������������������������������� And 
Case :- SPECIAL APPEAL No. - 149 of 2013 

Petitioner :- Sujeet Singh And Others 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And Others 
Petitioner Counsel :- Navin Kumar Sharma,Shailendra 
����������������������������������� And 
Case :- SPECIAL APPEAL No. - 152 of 2013 

Petitioner :- Rajeev Kumar Yadav 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And Others 
Petitioner Counsel :- Sadanand Mishra,Seemant Singh 
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,Shyam Krishna Gupta 
����������������������������������� And 
Case :- SPECIAL APPEAL No. - 159 of 2013 

Petitioner :- Anil Kumar And Others 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And Others 
Petitioner Counsel :- Siddharth Khare,Ashok Khare 
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,A.K. Yadav 
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � And 
Case :- SPECIAL APPEAL No. - 161 of 2013 

Petitioner :- Alok Singh And Others 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And Others 
Petitioner Counsel :- Abhishek Srivastasva 
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,A.K. Yadav,R.A. Akhtar 

Hon'ble Sushil Harkauli,J. 
Hon'ble Manoj Misra,J. 
������� In this bunch of similar appeals, we have heard learned counsel for the appellants and the learned Additional Advocate General for the State. Connect these appeals and list them together as a bunch on 11.02.2013. 
������ All candidates have cleared the TET. One of the basic questions that arises in these cases is that if the criteria for selection is the TET merit, then whether the selection had taken place before the training, or after the training, the result would have been the same. Clause No. 10 of the Advertisement says that after successful completion of training (approved by the NCTE) the substantive appointments would be made as per 1981 Rules and Twelfth amendment 2011. While deciding a case we have to go by the substance. By way of example if the selected candidates had not been called 'apprentice teachers', but had been selected on merits merely for 'training with scholarships equivalent to salary', and after successful completion of training again subjected to selection as per their merit in TET (which at that time was the prescribed criteria), the result in substance would have been the same as obtaining today. And in such case the ground that there was no post of 'apprentice teachers' would not be available. 
������� The basis for cancellation of the earlier selection process as mentioned in the order dated 26.07.2012 consists of two kind of grounds. The first ground says that some alleged irregularities were found in conducting of the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET for short). It appears that some High Powered Committee under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary gave a report. On the basis of that report, the entire selection process, wherein the merit of the TET was the determining�criteria, was canceled. 
������� The learned Single Judge has held in the impugned order that if some irregularities were found at some places, the good part of the TET should have been attempted to be separated from the bad or vitiated part, but the entire selection should not have been canceled. 
����� �� So far as there is nothing to show from the side of the State that the good part that is to say places where there was no irregularity in the TET could or could not be separated from the bad part that is from places or areas where irregularities had taken place. 
�������� As prayed by the learned Additional Advocate General, the report of the High Powered Committee may be placed on record by means of a counter-affidavit, which will also indicate with cogent reasons, on the basis of that report or other previous records, whether it was, or was not, possible to separate the good part from the bad part. 
����� � The second kind of ground of the order dated 26.07.2012 indicates that it was felt that the criteria for determining the merit for selection on the basis of merit in the TET should be replaced by the criteria of determining the merit on the basis of quality point marks as calculated on the basis of past academic record, ignoring the merit of TET. This substituted criteria was believed to be better by way of some after-thought. Accordingly Rules were amended. 
������� The learned Single Judge has held in the impugned order that such change of criteria can only be prospective and cannot affect the previous selections. 
������� Moreover, we are also prima facie of the opinion that this change of thought namely that the previous criteria could be replaced by seemingly better criteria for determining merit cannot be a ground for canceling the entire selection process. If that kind of ground urged by the State is accepted, it is equally possible that tomorrow some other Government or some other official may think that perhaps the new suggested criteria (of quality point marks) could be replaced by what he believes to be a still better criteria, could again form the basis of scrapping the fresh selection process which is ongoing. 
������� In the fresh selection process, there is an extremely large number of candidates whose counseling is said to have started from today. 
�������� Obviously, the counseling will take time, and we intend, with the consent of the parties, to finally dispose of all these appeals at the admission stage, for which we have fixed 11.02.2013. Therefore, we are of the opinion that so many candidates should not be put to the trouble of counseling, which may, if these appeals are ultimately allowed, be reduced to a futile exercise. Therefore, keeping in view the larger overall interest of all parties involved, including the interest of those candidates who are not parties before us, we are of the opinion that the ongoing selection process should remain suspended till 11.02.2013

Order accordingly.
Order Date :- 4.2.2013
Sunil Kr Tiwari
(Manoj Misra,J.) (Sushil Harkauli,J.) 


I think court said that - If counselling allowed and appeal of candidate (i.e demanding selection through TET merit ) ultimately allowed then counselling has no meaning.

A big point is - Changes in selection process is prospective (aage ke leeye) OR retrospective ( peeche bhrtee ke niyamon ke leeye ) honge, aur UPTET ka kya hoga, lakhon candidates ka kya hogaa.

Don't worry, Be Happy (Live your life happily, ALL IS WELL, Khush Raho, Aapkee Jindgee aur Samay Anmol Hai)

I hoped all matter will resolve in best way, so that all candidates, government will be benefited from it.
And Government will implement RTE act in UP effectively in the schools of UP.

Shiksha Mitra News : kaise di jay tet se mukti mathapacchi jari hai

Shiksha Mitra News : kaise di jay tet se mukti mathapacchi jari hai

UPTET  / टीईटी / TET Teacher Eligibility Test Updates / Teacher Recruitment News

News Source / Sabhaar : Hindustan Paper (04.02.2014)



UPTET  / टीईटी / TET Teacher Eligibility Test Updates / Teacher Recruitment News

News Source / Sabhaar : Hindustan Paper (04.02.2014)

Monday, February 3, 2014

UPTET / ALLAHABAD HC on Recruitment of Teacher in 2001

 ALLAHABAD HC decisions on Recruitment of Teacher in 2014


Court No. - 3
Case :- SERVICE SINGLE No. - 1375 of 2004
Petitioner :- Anil Kumar Shukla and others.
Respondent :- State Of U.P.Through Secy Basic Education And 3 Ors Counsel for Petitioner :- Dr L.P.Misra,N.R.Tripathi,Sanjay Mishra
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,M.M. Asthana
Court No. - 17
Case :- SERVICE SINGLE No. - 1294 of 2003
Petitioner :- Arun Kumar Shukla
Respondent :- State Of U.P.Through Secy. Basic Education Lko. And Ors.
Counsel for Petitioner :- Sanjay Mishra,N.R. Tripathi
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C..,R.K.Katiyar
Hon'ble Shri Narayan Shukla,J.

Heard Dr.L.P.Mishra, learned Advocate and Mr. Prafull Tripathi, learned counsels for the petitioners as well as Mr.M.M. Asthana, learned counsel for opposite parties 2 and 4, and Mr. Ghaus Beg, learned counsel for the District Basic Education, Officer Baharaich.
Since in both the writ petitions the same controversy is involved, those are decided by following common order.
The petitioners possessing the two years diploma in education from the various institutions of State of Madhya Pradesh claimed their eligibility for appointment as Assistant Teachers in the Primary Schools in District Baharaich. Their claim have been rejected by means of order impugned i.e. (Annexure No.1, 2 and 3) on the ground that they do not possess the eligibility for appointment as Assistant Teacher under U.P. Basic Education (Teachers) Service Rules, 1981 (herein after referred to as Service Rules, 1981). Since they have completed the diploma course through correspondence courses, they have also challenged the government order dated 27 March 1998 which excludes such trained teachers from the eligibility criteria for appointment on the post of Assistant Teacher.
They also claim their eligibility under the qualifications prescribed by the National Council of Teachers Education as it recognizes the distant courses for the purpose of admission in training courses. The controversy for appointment of Assistant Teachers in Primary Schools of the State of U.P. had come for consideration before this Court in several cases as well as before the Hon'ble Supreme Court, the leading one was Basic Education Board, U.P. Vs. Upendra Rai and others 2008 (1) ESC 160 (SC) in which Hon'ble Supreme Court held that the NCTE Act has no over riding effect over U.P. Basic Education Act and the rules made therein. In fact the two acts operate in altogether two different fields. The NCTE, deals with the teachers training institution while the Basic Education deals with ordinary Primary Education in U.P. and not any Teachers' Training Institute.
In the case on hand the advertisement does not entail the qualification of diploma in education from outside the State as a eligible qualification, rather it provides the eligibility for appointment as Assistant Teachers in two years BTC Course completed from the institution situated in the respective districts. Rule 8 of Service Rules, 1981 also does not recognize such qualification for appointment on the post of Assistant Teacher. The Division Bench of this Court in Mr. Vinod Kumar Singh Vs. District Basic Education Officer, (Writ A No. 58 of 2003) and other connected matters has elaborately discussed this issue and ultimately expressed its opinion that the petitioners did not fulfill the qualifications as prescribed under Rule 8 of 1981 and they are not eligible for the post of Assistant Teachers in the institutions. In this case also the petitioners had obtained the diploma certificate of two years course from the State of Madhya Pradesh.
The learned Counsel for the petitioners placed reliance upon a decision of the full bench of this Court in the case of Jitendra Kumar Soni and others Vs. State of U.P. and others (2010) 3 UPLBEC 2351. A bare perusal of this decision shows that the facts of the said case are distinguishable to the case on hand as in that case the Division Bench has dealt with the qualification for the teachers training courses. Another Full Bench decision of this Court dealing with the case of Ram Surat Yadav and others Vs. State of U.P. and others 2014 (1) ADJ 1(FB) has discussed the issue in detail. In this matter the Division Bench doubting the correctness of the judgment of another Division Bench given in the case of Rishi Kant Sharma Vs. State of U.P. and others 2008 (6) ADJ (DB) referred the matter to the Full Bench. In this case the vacancy of the Assistant Teacher was advertised and pursuant to that selection took place in 2006. Since none of the appointees possessed the Certificates of Training prescribed by the Rules, such as HTC, JTC, BTC or CT, their appointment were held to be invalid.
In Rishi Kant Sharma's case an advertisement was issued for the post of Head Master, appellant was selected, a year later his appointment was challenged. The writ petition was allowed consequently the approval of his appointment was cancelled. In Appeal the Division Bench held that the appointment of the Appellant was made by following due process of law, after an appointment was issued and selection was processed on the point of qualification it distinguishes the decision rendered in the case of Mohd. Sartaj and another Vs. State of U.P. and others (2006) 2 SCC 315 on the ground that in that case the cancellation of order for appointment was issued within very short span of time giving no probability for any legitimate expectations to the appellants regarding their qualification of his service, however, in the present case the Division Bench held that the appellants had continued in service for eight years during the pendency of the writ proceedings. On this ground the Division Bench set-aside the judgment of Learned Single Judge Considering the several decisions rendered on the point. The Full Bench of this Court expressed its view that the Division Bench in Rishi Kant Sharma's case cannot be regarded as lying down the correct law, the relevant paragraph 18 is extracted below:-
"18. In our view, the decision of the Division Bench in Rishi Kant Sharma's case cannot be regarded as laying down the correct principle of law. First and as a matter of fundamental principle, when a requirement of eligibility is prescribed in statutory Rules which govern a selection, appointment of a person who does not fulfill the norm of eligibility cannot be regarded as lawful. Secondly, when a selection process is initiated in pursuance of an advertisement and the advertisement lays down the conditions of eligibility, a person who does not fulfill the required qualifications can have no legitimate entitlement to hold the post. Thirdly, the view which has been taken by the Division Bench is clearly contrary to the law laid down by the Supreme Court in a line of authority. We have already adverted to the decisions in P.M. Latha, Yogesh Kumar, Dilip Kumar Ghosh and Pramod Kumar. Once the Rules which have been framed under the Statute prescribe the eligibility qualifications, those qualifications have to be adhered to. A candidate who does not fulfill the required qualifications has no entitlement to the post and even if such an appointment is made, it would be contrary to law. Fourthly, the ground on which the decision in Mohd. Sartaj has been distinguished is, with respect, erroneous. Mohd. Sartaj's case was sought to be distinguished on the ground that the appointment of the appellant in that case as an Assistant Teacher in Urdu was sought to be cancelled within a short span of time from the date of his appointment. Now, a careful reading of the decision in Mohd. Sartaj's case would indicate that the cancellation of the order of appointment in that case was questioned on the ground that it had been effected without allowing to the appellant a due opportunity of being heard. The argument in regard to the non-observance of the principles of natural justice was repelled by the Supreme Court, holding that the case fell within the exception carved out in the decision in S.L. Kapoor Vs. Jagmohan & Ors.12, that where on the admitted or indisputable facts only one conclusion is possible and under the law only one penalty is permissible, the Court may not issue a writ to compel the observance of natural justice, not because it is not necessary to observe it but because Courts do not issue futile writs. Since the appellant did not possess the BTC, HTC, JTC or CT or any other training course recognized by the government of Uttar Pradesh, it was held that the case fell within the exception to the principles of natural justice. Moreover, in that context, it was also held by the Supreme Court that the cancellation order had been issued within a short span of time giving no probability for a legitimate expectation regarding the continuance in service. Hence, it is clear that the issue as to whether a short span of time had elapsed since the date of the appointment was a factor which was considered by the Supreme Court in relation to the argument that there had been a breach of the principles of natural justice. This point, with respect, has been missed in the judgment of the Division Bench in Rishi Kant Sharma's case. Again, the decision in Rishi Kant Sharma's case cannot be regarded as laying down the correct principle in law when it holds that there was a long standing dispute as to whether the BEd degree course can be taken as a superior course to the BTC. Such a contention has been expressly turned down in the judgments of the Supreme Court in P.M. Latha, Yogesh Kumar and Dilip Kumar Ghosh. The Division Bench in Rishi Kant Sharma's case relied upon a Government Order. But it is well settled that a Government Order cannot override statutory Rules. For all these reasons, we are of the view that the judgment in Rishi Kant Sharm'a case cannot be regarded as laying down the correct principle of law."
In the mean time the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Act, 2009 has been enacted and in exercise of powers conferred by section 38 of the said Act Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010 have also been framed which provides the minimum qualification for appointment of teachers in Primary Schools to the Intermediate Colleges, however, the same has not been given retrospective effect and that has also been taken care by the Full Bench of this Court in the case of Ram Surat Yadav (Supra),and the Full Bench of this Court provided that the disputes prior to the enactment of the aforesaid act shall be governed under the relevant statutes.
So far as the issuance of Government Order dated 27th March 1998 which includes the candidates having completed their training from correspondences courses are concerned. I hold that the State Government is fully empowered to regulate the recruitment under the Act, therefore the same cannot be said to be faulty.
The present dispute relates to the recruitment, year 2001, therefore, obviously it shall be governed under the provisions of U.P. Basic Education Act, as well as the rules framed there under. Since the petitioners do not possess the qualification as is prescribed under Rule 8 of the Service Rules,1981 for appointment as Assistant Teachers in the Primary Schools. I do not find error in the orders impugned.
In the result the writ petition is dismissed.

Order Date :- 17.01.2014
A.K. Singh

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