Thursday, July 12, 2018

सुप्रीम कोर्ट का सरकारी सेवा पति पत्नी को एक ही स्थान पर पोस्टिंग करने का नजीर भरा आदेश , और इस आदेश ने मुसीबतें झेल रहे तमाम कपल्स की मदद की - Union Of India And Ors vs S.L. Abbas on 27 April, 1993

सुप्रीम कोर्ट का  सरकारी सेवा पति पत्नी को एक ही स्थान पर पोस्टिंग करने का नजीर भरा आदेश , और इस आदेश ने मुसीबतें झेल रहे तमाम कपल्स 
की मदद की  - Union Of India And Ors vs S.L. Abbas on 27 April, 1993

Supreme Court of India
Union Of India And Ors vs S.L. Abbas on 27 April, 1993
Equivalent citations: 1993 AIR 2444, 1993 SCR (3) 427
Author: B Jeevan Reddy
Bench: Jeevan Reddy, B.P. (J)





 1993 AIR 2444    1993 SCR  (3) 427
 1993 SCC  (4) 357   JT 1993 (3) 678
 1993 SCALE  (2)718

Civil Services:
Fundamental  Rules  11 and  15-Transfer  of  a   Government
servant-When   can  be questioned  in  a   Court/Tribunal-
Guidelines  issued  by Government-Whether  have   statutory
Constitution of India,1950/Central Administrative  Tribunals
Act, 1985:
Article    323-A/Section    14-Jurisdiction    of    Central
Administrative Tribunal-Exercise  of-Whether  Tribunal  can
interfere with an order of Transfer.

The  respondent,  a  Central Government  employee,  who  was
transferred from one place to another, challenged the  order
of transfer on the grounds that: his wife was also  employed
at  the  same  place in a  Central  Government office;  his
children  were also studying there; he himself had  suffered
backbone  fracture  injuries some time ago;  the  guidelines
contained in Government of India O.M. dated 3.4.1986 had not
been  kept in mind while ordering his transfer;  some  other
officials,  who  had been serving at the same  place  for  a
longer period than  the respondent  had  been  allowed  to
continue  and  his transfer was due to the mischief  of  his
Controlling Officer.
In  the  counter-affidavit filed by the appellants,  it  was
submitted  that the transfer was ordered  on  administrative
grounds and was unexceptionable.,
A  Single  Member  of the  Central  Administrative  Tribunal
quashed  the order of transfer on the ground that the  power
of transfer was not an unfettered one, but was circumscribed
by   various   circulars/  guidelines contained   in  the
administrative instructions issued by the Government and  an
order of   transfer  could  be  interdicted  if   it  was
discriminatory,  that in the matter of considering  transfer
of  an individual  officer,  the  Office  Memorandum  dated
3.4.1986, educational dislocation of the children and health
ground,if  present deserved special consideration  and that
in  view  of  the facts and circumstances of  the  case  the
transfer order in question in respect of the respondent  was
mala fide.
Allowing  the  appeal, preferred by the Union of  India  and
others, this Court,
HELD:   1.1  An  order  of transfer  is  an  incidence  of
Government  servie.   Who should be transferred where  is  a
matter for the appropriate authority to decide.  Unless  the
order  of  transfer is vitiated by malafides or is  made  in
violation   of statutory  provisions, the   Court   cannot
interfere  with it.  There is no doubt that, while  ordering
the transfer the authority must keep in mind the  guidelines
issued by the Government on the subject.  Similarly,  if  a
person  makes any  representation  with  respect  to  his
transfer,  the appropriate authority must consider the same
having regard to the exigencies  of  administration.  The
guidelines say that as far as possible, the husband and  the
wife must be posted at the same place. The said  guideline,
however,  does not confer upon the  government  employee  a
legally enforceable right.  Executive instructions issued by
the Government are in the nature of guidelines.  They do not
have statutory force. [430-C-E]
1.2. There  is no dispute that the respondent is  liable  to
transfer  anywhere  in India. It is not the  case  of  the
respondent  that the order of his transfer was vitiated  by
mala  fides on the part of the authority making  the  order,
though  the  Tribunal says  so,  merely  because   certain
guidelines  issued  by the  Central  Government  were  not
followed.   The  immediate superior of unit,  against whom
mischief had been attributed by the respondent, has  nothing
to do with his transfer. [430-F]
2.1. The jurisdiction of the Central Administrative Tribunal
is akin to the jurisdiction of the High Court under  Article
226  of the Constitution of India in service matters, as  is
evident  from  Article 323-A  of  the Constitution.  The
constraints  and norms which the High Court  observes  while
exercising  the  said  jurisdiction  apply  equally  to  the
Tribunal  created  under Article  323A.  The  Administrative
Tribunal  is not an Appellate Authority sitting in  judgment
over  the order; of transfer.  It cannot substitute its  own
judgment  for that of the authority competent  to  transfer.
[430-H,431 -A]
2.2. In  the instant case, the Tribunal has dearly  exceeded
its jurisdiction in interfering with the order of  transfer.
The  order  of the Tribunal reads as if it were  sifting  in
appeal over  the  order  of transfer  made  by  the  Senior
Administrative Officer (competent authority). [431-B]
Bank  of India v. Jagjit Singh Mehta, [1992] 1 S.C.C. 306,

CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION: Civil Appeal No. 2348 of 1993. From the Judgment and Order dated 13.7.1992 of the Central Administrative Tribunal, Guahati in O.A. No. 33/91. Ms. K. Amareswari, B.P. Sarathy and C.V. Subba Rao for the Appellants.
P.K. Goswami, Kailash Vasdev, Ms. Lira Goswami and Ms. Alpana Poddar for the Respondent.
The Judgment of the Court was delivered by B.P. JEEVAN REDDY, J. Heard counsel for the parties. Leave granted.
Respondent is a Garden Curator in the Office of the Scientist-SE, Botanical Survey of India, Eastern Circle, Shillong. By order dated January 29, 1991 he was transferred from Shillong to Pauri (Uttar Pradesh) by the Senior Administrative Officer, office of the Director, Botanical Survey of India, (Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India). As many as 19 persons were transferred under the said order including the respondent. The respondent has been working in Shillong since the year 1979.
The respondent approached the Gauhati Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal (Original Application No. 33 of 1991) questioning the order of his transfer. He submitted that his wife is also employed at Shillong in and off-ice of the Central Government, that his children are studying at Shillong and further that he himself had suffered back-bone fracture injuries some time ago. He submitted that the guidelines contained in Government of India O.M. dated 3.4.1986 have not been kept in mind while ordering his transfer. tie complained that some other officials who have been serving at Shillong for a longer period, have been allowed to continue at Shillong. He attributed 'mischief' to his Controller Officer, Shri B.M. Wadhwa (third respondent in the O.M.).
In the counter affidavit filed by the respondents, they submitted that the transfer was ordered on administrative grounds and is unexceptionable.
The learned Single Member of the Central Administrative Tribunal quashed the order of transfer on the following reasoning: the decisions of the Courts establish that the power of transfer is not an unfettered one but is circumscribed by various circulars/guidelines contained in the administrative instructions issued by the Government. An order of transfer can be interdicted if it is discriminatory. The said principles are applicable to the case of the respondent. Further "in the matter of considering transfer of an individual officer, the Office Memorandum dated 3.4.1986, educational dislocation of the children and health ground, if all present, deserve special consideration not to pass the order." Having said so the learned Member recorded the following finding: "In view of the above facts and circumstances and findings it is held unhesitatingly that the transfer order no. BSI. 80/5/80- Estt. dated 29.1.1991 in respect of applicant S.L.Abbas was malafide and liable to be quashed." The Union of India has preferred this appeal.
An order of transfer is an incident of Government Service. Fundamental Rule 11 says that "the whole time of a Government servant is at the disposal of the Government which pays him and he may be employed in any manner required by proper authority". Fundemental Rule 15 says that "the President may transfer a government servant from one post to another". That the respondent is liable to transfer anywhere in India is not in dispute. It is not the case of the respondent that order of his transfer is vitiated by mala fides on the part of the authority making the order,- though the Tribunal does say so merely because certain guidelines issued by the Central Government are not followed, with which finding we shall deal later. The respondent attributed"mischief"to his immediate superior who had nothing to do with his transfer. All he says is that he should not be transferred because his wife is working at shillong, his children are studying there and also because his health had suffered a set-back some time ago. He relies upon certain executive instructions issued by the Government in that behalf. Those instructions are in the nature of guidelines. They do not have statutory force. Who should be transferred where, is a matter for the appropriate authority to decide. Unless the order of transfer is vitiated by malafides or is made in violation of any statutory provisions, the Court cannot interfere with it. While ordering the transfer, there is no doubt, the authority must keep in mind the guidelines issued by the Government on the subject. Similarly if a person makes any representation with respect to his transfer, the appropriate authority must consider the same having regard to the exigencies of administration. The guidelines say that as far as possible, husband and wife must be posted at the same place. The said guideline however does not confer upon the government employee a legally enforceable right.
The jurisdication of the Central Administrative Tribunal is akin to the jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 226 of the constitution of India in service matters. This is evident from a persual of Article 323-A of the constitution. The constraints and norms which the High Court observes while exercising the said jurisdiction apply equally to the Tribunal created under Article 323-A. (We find it all the more surprising that the learned Single Member who passed the impugned order is a former Judge of the High Court and is thus aware of the norms and constraints of the writ jurisdiction.) The Administrative Tribunal is not an Appellate Authority sitting in judgment over the orders of transfer. It cannot substitute its own judgment for that of the authority competent to transfer. In this case the Tribunal has clearly exceeded its jurisdiction in interfering with the order of transfer. The order of the Tribunal reads as if it were sitting in appeal over the order of transfer made by the Senior Administrative Officer (competent authority). Shri Goswami, learned counsel for the respondent relies upon the decision of this Court in Bank of India v. Jagjit Singh Mehta [1992] 1 S.C.C.306 rendered by a Bench of which one of us (J.S. VermaJ.) was a member. On a perusal of the judgment, we do not think it supports the respondent in any manner. It is observed therein:
"There can be no doubt that ordinarily and as far as practicable the husband and wife who are both employed should be posted at the same station even if their employers be different. The desirability of such a course is obvious. However, this does not mean that their place of posting should invariably be one of their choice, even though their preference may be taken into account while making the decision in accordance with the administrative needs. In the case of all-India services, the hardship resulting from the two being posted at different stations may be unavoidable at times particularly when they belong to different services and one of them cannot be transferred to the place of the other's posting. While choosing the career and a particular service, the couple have to bear in mind this factor and be prepared to face such a hardship if the administrative needs and transfer policy do not permit the posting of both at one place without sacrifice of the requirements of the administration and needs of other employees. In such a case the couple have to make their choice at the threshold between career prospects and family life. After giving preference to the career prospects by accepting such a promotion or any appointment in an all- India service with the incident of transfer to any place in India, subordinating the need of the couple living together at one station,'they cannot as-of right claim to be relieved of the ordinary incidents of all-India service and avoid transfer to a different place on the ground that-the spouses thereby would-be posted at different places............................................ No doubt the guidelines requires the two spouses to he posted at one pi" as far as practicable, but that does not enable any spouse to claim such a posting as of right if the departmental authorities do not consider it feasible. The only thing required is that the departmental authorities should consider this aspect along with the exigencies of administration and enable the two spouses to live together at one station if it is possible without any detriment to the administrative needs and the claim of other employees."
(emphasis added) The said observations in fact tend to negative the respondent's contentions instead of supporting them. The judgment also does not support the Respondents' contention that if such an order is questioned in a Court or the Tribunal, the authority is obliged to justify the transfer by adducing the reasons therefor. It does not also say that the Court or the Tribunal can quash the order of transfer, if any of the administrative instructions/guidelines are not followed, much less can it be charactrised as malafide for that reason. To reiterate, the order of transfer can be questioned in a court or Tribunal only where it is passed malafide or where it is made in violation of the statutory provisions.
For the above reasons, the appeal is allowed. The judgment under appeal is set aside. There shall be no order as to costs.
N.P.V.         Appeal Allowed.

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सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश की महत्वपूर्ण पक्तियां जी सभी कोर्ट अक्सर पति पत्नी ट्रांसफर मामले में उल्लेख करती हैं :-

सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश की महत्वपूर्ण पक्तियां जी सभी कोर्ट अक्सर पति पत्नी ट्रांसफर मामले में उल्लेख करती हैं  , ये सही जरूरतमंद ट्रांसफर चाहने वालों के राहत भरे भी हैं साथ ही प्रशासन / समाज  के लिये  भी  राहत भरे  हैं:-

In the case of Union of India -Vs- S.L. Abbas, reported in (1993) 4
SCC 357, have observed that “Who should be transferred where, is a matter for the appropriate authority to decide. Unless the order of transfer is vitiated by mala fides or is made in violation of any statutory provisions, the court cannot interfere with it. While
ordering the transfer, there is no doubt, the authority must keep in mind the guidelines issued by the Government on the subject. Similarly if a person makes any representation with respect to his transfer, the appropriate authority must consider the same having regard to the exigencies of administration. The guidelines say that as far as possible, husband and wife must be posted at the same place. The said guideline however does not confer upon the Government employee a legally enforceable right. The order of
transfer can be questioned in a court or tribunal only where it is passed mala fide or where it is made in violation of the statutory provisions.”

In Sarvesh Kumar Awasthi -Vs- U.P. Jal Nigam, reported in (2003) 11 SCC 740, Hon’ble Supreme Court have observed that – 

“In our view, transfer of officers is required to be effected on the basis of set norms or guidelines. The power of transferring an officer cannot be wielded arbitrarily, mala fide or an exercise against efficient and independent officer or at the instance of politicians whose work is not done by the officer concerned. For better administration the officers concerned must have freedom from fear - 14 - W.P. (C) No. 6492 of 2015 Page 14 of 17 of being harassed by repeated transfers or transfers ordered at the instance of someone who has nothing to do with the business of administration.”


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2016 इंटरडिस्ट्रिक्ट ट्रांसफर में कोर्ट ने पति पत्नी सरकारी नौकरी के ट्रांसफर मामले को वरीयता देकर नार्मल ट्रांसफर से ऊपर रखा , कुछ गलत ट्रांसफर हो जाने पर ट्रांसफर आदेश संशोधन करने को कहा -

2016 इंटरडिस्ट्रिक्ट ट्रांसफर में कोर्ट ने पति पत्नी सरकारी नौकरी के ट्रांसफर मामले को वरीयता देकर नार्मल ट्रांसफर से ऊपर रखा , कुछ गलत ट्रांसफर हो जाने पर ट्रांसफर आदेश संशोधन करने को कहा - 


?Court No. - 7 
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 48327 of 2016 
Petitioner :- Sunita Rani 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 2 Ors. 
Counsel for Petitioner :- Seemant Singh 
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Ashok Kumar Yadav 

Hon'ble Manoj Misra,J. 
Heard learned counsel for the petitioner; learned Standing Counsel for respondents 1 and 2; and Sri Sanjay Kumar Srivastava for respondent no. 3. 
Considering the nature of the order that is being passed, this Court does not find it necessary to call for counter affidavits from the respondents as it would serve no useful purpose, therefore, with the consent of learned counsel for the parties, this petition is being disposed of finally. 
The petitioner is a teacher under the U.P. Basic Shiksha Parishad. For inter district transfer of teachers under the U.P. Basic Shiksha Parishad, a detailed transfer policy was notified / vide circular dated 23.6.2016. Under the transfer policy a candidate interested in transfer was required to submit application online giving option of five districts where he or she wanted posting by way of transfer. According to the petitioner, pursuant to the above transfer policy, she submitted online application, which was assigned no. 1711222, seeking transfer from Etah to any school in Agra or Firozabad. The options 1 to 4 were in respect of being posted at Agra whereas the 5th option was for posting in Firozabad. 
The case of the petitioner is that under paragraph 3(6) of the notification /circular dated 23.6.2016, a priority was laid for considering posting of a candidate when, in respect of a particular place, more applications than vacancies are received. According to sub clause (6) of Clause 3, priority is to be provided as follows: 
(1) first priority to physically handicapped candidate; 
(2) second to candidates suffering from specified diseases; 
(3) third to a widow; 
(4) fourth to an Ex-servicemen or an Ex-employee belonging to specified category; 
(5) fifth to a candidate who is either husband or wife and both of them are teachers under the U.P. Basic Shiksha Parishad, and seek posting in a common district; 
(6) sixth to a candidate who is either husband or and wife and both of them are in government service and they seek posting at common place; and 
(7) where a candidate applies for posting in the home town district. 

The policy further provides that where applications of candidates belonging to a single category are received in excess of the vacant posts, then candidate older in age would be given preference. 
The grievance of the petitioner is that though by order dated 21.8.2016, posting/ transfer has been made but the said posting/ transfer is not in accordance with the priority fixed by Clause 3 (6) of the notification/ circular dated 23.6.2016. 

It is the case of the petitioner that her husband had been posted in district Agra and, therefore, she was entitled to be treated 6th in the order of preference for being posted at Agra but instead of her claim being considered for posting at Agra, 31 candidates who are 7th in the order of priority have been posted in Agra when, in fact, their claim ought to have been considered only after exhausting the claim of the petitioner. It is thus the case of the petitioner that the transfer order dated 21.8.2016 requires to be amended and made in-consonance with the transfer policy
Learned counsel representing the respondent no. 3 has submitted that the petitioner may make a representation before the Secretary of U.P. Basic Education Board, Allahabad in respect of her grievance who can pass appropriate order, if it is justified by the transfer policy. 
Having considered the submissions of learned counsel for the petitioner, the writ petition is disposed of with a direction upon the 3rd respondent (Secretary, U.P. Basic Education Board, Allahabad) to consider the grievance of the petitioner in respect of transfer/ posting and thereafter pass appropriate order keeping in mind the priority fixed by the notification/ circular dated 23.6.2016 governing the transfer process. Accordingly, liberty is given to the petitioner to file a comprehensive representation before 3rd respondent in respect of her grievance. If any such representation is filed along with certified copy of this order, the 3rd respondent shall verify the facts and pass appropriate order in accordance with law, keeping in mind the transfer policy, preferably, within a period of three weeks from the date of filing of such representation. 

It is made clear that this Court has not expressed any opinion on the merits of the claim of the petitioner. The aforesaid exercise shall be completed strictly in accordance with law after verifying the facts from the record. 
Order Date :- 4.10.2016 

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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

अध्यापिकाओं के तबादले पर निर्णय लेने का निर्देश, 9 जुलाई के बाद कल 11 जुलाई को सुनवाई की तारिख

अध्यापिकाओं के तबादले पर निर्णय लेने का निर्देश, 9 जुलाई के बाद कल 11 जुलाई को सुनवाई की तारिख 

विसं, इलाहाबाद : इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट ने सहारनपुर जिले में महिला सहायक अध्यापिकाओं के तबादले पर दो सप्ताह में निर्णय लेने का निर्देश दिया है। कोर्ट ने यह भी कहा है कि यदि याचियों की तबादले की अर्जी पर आदेश हो चुका हो तो उन्हें सूचित किया जाए। यह आदेश न्यायमूर्ति एसपी केशरवानी ने नीतू व 11 अन्य सहारनपुर की अध्यापिकाओं की याचिका पर दिया है। याचियों का कहना है कि विभा सिंह कुशवाहा केस में दिए गए कोर्ट के आदेश का पालन नहीं किया गया है। याचीगण 2015 से अध्यापक है। नियमावली के तहत उन्हें तबादला मांगने का अधिकार है। सरकारी वकील ने कोर्ट से कहा कि शीघ्र ही तबादला सूची जारी कर दी जाएगी। इस पर कोर्ट ने यह आदेश दिया है।

दूसरी सूची के लिए हाईकोर्ट पर टिकीं निगाहें : परिषदीय स्कूलों के दर्जनों शिक्षकों ने अंतर जिला तबादलों के बाद हाईकोर्ट में याचिका दायर की है। शिक्षकों का कहना है कि उनका कटऑफ अंक अधिक है, फिर भी उनका स्थानांतरण नहीं किया गया है, बल्कि कम कटऑफ वालों को दूसरे जिलों में भेजा गया है। ऐसे ही दिव्यांग शिक्षकों ने भी कोर्ट में अर्जी दायर करके कहा है कि शासनादेश में उन्हें वरीयता देने का निर्देश था लेकिन, उसका अनुपालन नहीं हुआ। बेसिक शिक्षा विभाग ने ऐन वक्त पर आठ अति पिछड़ा जिलों से कोई तबादला नहीं किया है, जबकि आवेदन मांगने के समय और आदेश जारी करने से पहले इस संबंध में कोई विज्ञप्ति जारी नहीं की गई। एकाएक नियम बदलना कहां तक जायज है। यदि तबादला करना नहीं था तो उन जिलों के लिए आवेदन ही क्यों मांगे गए। मुख्य याचिका विभा सिंह कुशवाहा ने की है

?Court No. - 7 

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 14105 of 2018 

Petitioner :- Bibha Singh Kushwaha And 24 Others 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 2 Others 
Counsel for Petitioner :- Indra Raj Singh,Adarsh Singh 
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Sanjay Chaturvedi 

Hon'ble Surya Prakash Kesarwani,J. 
Put up on 11.7.2018 at 10.00 a.m. along with the records of Writ-A Nos.14278 and 14395 of 2018 and all connected matters. 
Order Date :- 9.7.2018 


फीमेल ट्रांसफर मैटर हाईकोर्ट अपडेट——————————

आज सुबह सुनवाई विभा सिंह कुशवाहा केस से ही शुरु हुई, इंद्रराज सिंह जी ने वहां से बहस तो चालू की तब जज साहब ने  8 (2)(D) नियम को एक दया पर आश्रित व्यवस्था बताया,, कि ट्रांसफर आपका अधिकार नहीं है,,, बाद में शैलेंद्र श्रीवास्तव और आर के ओझा ने जोरदार बहस करके किसी तरह इंस्पिरेशनल के मुद्दे को बचाने का प्रयास किया और वह काफी हद तक उस में सफल भी रहे। इंस्पिरेशनल जनपद के प्रेस नोट पर सरकार से जवाब मांगा गया है

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रिटायर्ड शिक्षकों से 10 दिन में भरें दो हजार रिक्त पद: संजय

रिटायर्ड शिक्षकों से 10 दिन में भरें दो हजार रिक्त पद: संजय

राज्य ब्यूरो, लखनऊ : राजकीय और सहायता प्राप्त माध्यमिक विद्यालयों के दो हजार रिक्त पदों पर दस दिन के भीतर सेवानिवृत्त शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति कर ली जाएगी। अपर मुख्य सचिव संजय अग्रवाल ने सोमवार को विभागीय समीक्षा बैठक में इसमें ढिलाई पर नाराजगी जताई और कहा कि बच्चों की पढ़ाई का नुकसान बर्दाश्त नहीं किया जाएगा। ऐसे शिक्षक मानदेय के आधार पर रखे जाएंगे।

सोमवार को योजना भवन में वीडियो कांफ्रेंसिंग के जरिए विभागीय कार्यो की समीक्षा करते हुए अपर मुख्य सचिव संजय अग्रवाल ने कहा कि 302 माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में जहां गणित एवं विज्ञान के नये पद सृजित हुए हैं, उसका प्रचार प्रसार कराकर प्रवेश लिया जाए। उन्होंने छात्र-छात्रओं के लिए शौचालय, बिजली, पानी आदि आधारभूत सुविधाएं भी उपलब्ध कराने के निर्देश दिए। कहा कि इसमें कमी मिलने पर अधिकारियों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई की जाएगी। साथ ही कहा कि बरसात के कारण कोई भी अप्रिय घटना न घटे, इसके लिए विद्यालय में सुरक्षा के सभी मानकों का परीक्षण कर लिया जाए। प्रत्येक पं. दीन दयाल उपाध्याय राजकीय माडल इण्टर कालेज में फर्नीचर की उपलब्धता सुनिश्चित की जाए।

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एक और तबादला सूची जारी होगी!

एक और तबादला सूची जारी होगी!

इलाहाबाद। परिषदीय शिक्षकों की एक और तबादला सूची जारी हो सकती है। 13 जून को 11,963 शिक्षकों की तबादला सूची जारी होने के बावजूद बड़ी संख्या में आवेदक संतुष्ट नहीं है। दो से छह जुलाई तक तकरीबन छह हजार शिक्षकों ने सचिव बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद से आपत्तियां की हैँ।सभी शर्तें पूरी करने के बावजूद तबादला न होने से असंतुष्ट कुछ शिक्षकों ने हाईकोर्ट में याचिका भी कर दी है। सालभर की कवायद के बाद जारी लिस्ट में कई कमियां मिली हैं। जो आपत्तियां मिली हैं उनका परीक्षण करवाने के बाद देखा जाएगा कि शर्तें पूरी करने के बावजूद किन का ट्रांसफर नहीं हुआ। बेसिक शिक्षा विभाग के अफसर सरकार व हाईकोर्ट का भी रुख देख रहे हैं। अधिक कमी मिलने पर दूसरी लिस्ट भी जारी हो सकती है

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शिक्षिकाओं ने भरा मनचाहे स्कूल का अपना विकल्प , सोशल मीडिया पर ट्रांसफर में लग रहा धांदलेबाजी का आरोप

शिक्षिकाओं ने भरा मनचाहे स्कूल का अपना विकल्प , सोशल मीडिया पर ट्रांसफर में लग रहा धांदलेबाजी का आरोप

सोशल मीडिया पर ट्रांसफर में लग रहा धांदलेबाजी का आरोप -
कहीं अविवाहितों को ट्रांसफर दिया गए तो कहीं नहीं दिये गए ,
कहीं से फिरोजबाद ट्रांसफर हो गया तो कहीं से नहीं हो पाया ,

कहीं से ऑफलाइन नोयडा ट्रांसफर हो गया तो कहीं से हस्बेंड वाइफ बेसिक  शिक्षा में होने व्  ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने के बाद भी नहीं हो पा रहा 

अंतरजनपीदय स्थानांतरण पर आए शिक्षकों की हुई काउंसिलिंग सीडीओ के निरीक्षण में गैरहाजिर मिले 10 बाबुओं का वेतन रोका

जागरण संवाददाता, फीरोजाबाद : अंतरजनपदीय स्थानांतरण पर फीरोजाबाद आईं महिला शिक्षिकाओं को आखिर विभाग ने स्कूलों का आवंटन कर दिया। काउंसिलिंग के जरिए इनसे एकल स्कूलों के विकल्प भरवाए गए। वहीं बीएसए अर¨वद कुमार पाठक ने बीते दिनों सीडीओ की निरीक्षण रिपोर्ट के आधार पर सख्त कार्रवाई करते हुए दफ्तर के दस बाबुओं का वेतन रोकने के आदेश जारी कर दिए हैं। 1ब्लाक संसाधन केंद्र फीरोजाबाद पर संपन्न काउंसिलिंग में जूनियर हाईस्कूल के 57 शिक्षकों में से 56 पहुंचे। बीएसए के निर्देशन में संपन्न हुई काउंसिलिंग में मेरिट के आधार पर एक-एक शिक्षिका को बुलाकर विकल्प भरवाए गए। इससे पूर्व सूची को ब्लॉक पर चस्पा कर दिया था, ताकि शिक्षक सूची के आधार पर स्कूल छांट सकें। अधिकांश शिक्षिकाओं की पहली पसंद टूंडला ब्लॉक रहा तो कई ने नारखी को भी चुना। वहीं 11 हैडमास्टर में से दस शिक्षिकाओं ने काउंसिलिंग में प्रतिभाग किया। वहीं पदानवत करने के बाद में सहायक अध्यापक के पद पर आए चार शिक्षकों की भी काउंसिलिंग हुई। पिछले दिनों सीडीओ के निरीक्षण में बाबुओं की लापरवाही मिली थी। पत्रवली पूरी होने के बाद भी शिक्षकों के देयकों का भुगतान नहीं हो रहा था। सीडीओ के निर्देश पर इन बिल बाबुओं का वेतन रोके जाने के आदेश बीएसए ने देर शाम जारी कर दिए। इससे लिपिकों में अफरातफरी मच गई है। 1एबीआरसी की बैठक आज : बीएसए अरविंद कुमार पाठक ने सभी सहायक ब्लॉक समन्वयक एवं खंड शिक्षाधिकारियों की बैठक सुबह नौ बजे से विकास भवन सभागार में बुलाई है। बैठक में सीडीओ इन्हें दिशा निर्देश देंगी।

 UPTET  / टीईटी TET - Teacher EligibilityTest Updates /   Teacher Recruitment  / शिक्षक भर्ती /  SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS  
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Friday, July 6, 2018

याची ने ट्रांसफर में लापरवाही का आरोप कंटेम्प्ट लगाया, याची का जौनपुर से ट्रांसफर की जगह अन्य सहकर्मी का ट्रांसफर कर दिया, कोर्ट ने पहले ही आदेश दिया था कि लापवाही नहीं चलेगी, और सचिव के देखरेख में ट्रांसफर होंगे, अवमानना की याचिका -

याची ने ट्रांसफर में लापरवाही का आरोप कंटेम्प्ट लगाया, याची का जौनपुर से ट्रांसफर की जगह अन्य सहकर्मी का ट्रांसफर कर दिया, कोर्ट ने पहले ही आदेश दिया था कि लापवाही नहीं चलेगी, और सचिव के देखरेख में ट्रांसफर होंगे, अवमानना की याचिका - 


?Court No. - 32 
Case :- CONTEMPT APPLICATION (CIVIL) No. - 3259 of 2018 
Applicant :- Smt. Paramjit Kaur 
Opposite Party :- Mr. Sanjay Sinha, The Secretary Of Basic Shiksha Parishad 
Counsel for Applicant :- Gopal Ji Rai 

Hon'ble Mrs. Sangeeta Chandra,J. 
It has been contended by the learned counsel for the petitioner that in pursuance of the order passed by this Court in her Writ-A No. 3715 of 2018 (Smt. Paramjit Kaur Vs. State of U.P. & another) on 6.2.2018 giving her benefit of judgment rendered in Writ-A No. 2868 of 2018 (Bibha Singh Kushwaha & 21 others Vs. State of U.P.). 
The petitioner filed an online application on 13.2.2018 for transfer, but the said application has not been considered and when the transfer list was published on the net by the Secretary, Basic Shiksha Parishad, the name of the petitioner was not mentioned. On the other hand, one other teacher, Reetu Yadav wife of Dhanesh Yadav who was working in the petitioner's institution was transferred from Jaunpur to Rai Bareilly. 
It has been alleged that the respondent has committed wilful contend of the order passed by this Court on 6.2.2018. 
Issue notice to the respondent returnable at an early date. 
The petitioner shall take steps within a week. 
List this matter after service. 
In case the order passed by this Court has been complied with, the respondent shall not appear in person, but he file his compliance affidavit through his counsel. 

Order Date :- 22.6.2018 

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बिभा सिंह कुशवाह का ट्रांसफर न होने पर उन्होंने रिट दाखिल करी, कोर्ट ने उपयुक्त बेंच में 9 जुलाई को सुनवाई के आदेश दिया - -

बिभा सिंह कुशवाह का ट्रांसफर न होने पर उन्होंने रिट दाखिल करी, कोर्ट ने उपयुक्त बेंच में 9 जुलाई को सुनवाई के आदेश दिया  - 


?Court No. - 42 

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 14105 of 2018 

Petitioner :- Bibha Singh Kushwaha And 24 Others 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 2 Others 
Counsel for Petitioner :- Indra Raj Singh,Adarsh Singh 
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Sanjay Chaturvedi 

Hon'ble Vivek Kumar Birla,J. 
Put up on 9.7.2018 as fresh before the appropriate Bench as the other similar matters are listed on that date. 
Order Date :- 26.6.2018 

 UPTET  / टीईटी TET - Teacher EligibilityTest Updates /   Teacher Recruitment  / शिक्षक भर्ती /  SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS  
UP-TET 201172825 Teacher Recruitment,Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), 72825 teacher vacancy in up latest news join blog , UPTET , SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS, SARKARI NAUKRI
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