UPTET : मुश्किल में उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार की शिक्षक भर्ती नियमावली
आजकल जिस तरह से फेस बुक पर भर्ती नियमावली की चर्चा चल रही है वह सरकार की भर्ती नियमवाली के लिए नयी समस्या खडी कर रही है ,
फेस बुक के कुछ सदस्यों ने आज के हिंद्स्तान न्यूज़ पेपर की कटिंग डाली हैं जो की सरकार के टी ई टी मार्क्स का वेटेज देने का इशारा करती हैं -
कुछ समय पहले उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार ने टी ई टी परीक्षा को सिर्फ पात्रता परीक्षा करार दिया था और शिक्षक भर्ती नियमावली संसोधित कर दी थी ।
लेकिन इलाहबाद हाई कोर्ट की ट्रिपल बेंच ने एन सी टी ई की १ १ फरवरी २ ०१ १ का हवाला देते हुए कहा की टी ई टी परीक्षा के अंको की उपेक्षा करने न करने की बात कही है है और एन सी टी ई को भर्ती मानक तय करने वाला बताया है और राज्य सरकार एन सी टी ई के नियमों का पालन करने को बोला है , see -
To See Triple Bench Decision , Click Here -
To Read Complete Judgement of Triple Bench , Click Here -
We wish to clarify that the binding effect of the notifications and the guidelines is such that the weightage which is contemplated under the guidelines dated 11th February, 2011 cannot be ignored. The minimum score that is required of a candidate is 60% to pass the teacher eligibility test. A concession of 5% has been made in favour of the reserved category candidates including the physically challenged and disabled persons.
This norm therefore cannot be diluted. Apart from this, the State Government has to take notice of the fact that weightage has to be given in the recruitment process as well. It is for the State Government to suitably adopt the said guidelines and we do not wish to add anything further at this stage as we are only concerned with the essentiality of the qualification of the teacher eligibility test to be possessed by any candidate aspiring to be appointed as a teacher.
We wish to make it clear that the law has to be followed in the manner in which it has been legislated. It cannot be diluted on account of the inaction of the State. In such circumstances all teachers whose appointment relate to the period after 23.8.2010 have to be possessed of TET.
NCTE Guideline dated 11 February 2011 is -http://www.ncte-india.org/RTE-TET-guidelines[1]%20(latest).pdf
9(b) should give weightage to the TET scores in the recruitment process;
however, qualifying the TET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for
टी ई टी अंकों के सुधार / वृद्धी हेतु , अभ्यर्थी पुन : परीक्षा में बैठ सकते -
See :
Frequency of conduct of TET and validity period of TET certificate :-
11 The appropriate Government should conduct a TET at least once every year. The Validity Period of TET qualifying certificate for appointment will be decided by the appropriate Government subject to a maximum of seven years for all categories. But there will be no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take for acquiring a TET Certificate. A person who has qualified TET may also appear again for improving his/her score.
हमारे ब्लॉग ने शुरू से एन सी टी ईकी इस गाइड लाइन को बताया था जिसमे -
१. अभ्यार्थीयों को टी ई टी परीक्षा में पुन : बेठ कर अंक सुधारने की बात है
२. टी ई टी परीक्षा के मार्क्स को नियोक्ता द्वारा चयन में शामिल करने को बोला है
इलाहबाद हाई कोर्ट ने अपने एक निर्णय में टी ई टी मेरिट से भर्ती एन सी टी ई नियमो के विरुद्द नहीं माना था
अब भर्ती मामला इलाहबाद हाई कोर्ट की डबल बेंच में दोबारा चला गया है जहाँ अकादमिक मेरिट से भर्ती व टी ई टी मेरिट से भर्ती के विवाद का फेसला होना है ।
Triple Bench also told -
TET exam is good for Uniform Evaluation (Ek Samaan Mulyankan) of Candidates from different stream.
See -
There also the word qualification came up for consideration and the apex court after having noticed the requirement came to the conclusion that there has to be a uniform scrutiny of all the candidates as they are possessed of educational and training qualifications from different sources.
The eligibility test therefore is to ensure that candidates coming with diverse educational and training qualifications acquired from different sources are assessed uniformly for the purpose of being selected as the best material for being appointed as a teacher. This is another essential ingredient of a eligibility test, which has been designed as in the present case to ensure an even method of selection. It is for this reason that the curriculum of the teacher eligibility test at the national level has been prescribed by the National Council for Teacher Education for it being implemented throughout the country. It is therefore not only to get the best available candidates for teaching but also to ensure a uniform pattern throughout the nation for employing teachers to provide quality education at the elementary level.
TRIPLE BENCH appreciate contents of TET exam which is specific to handle children at basic education level.
The next is the structure and content of the test which has five sections in relation to examination for Classes 1 to 5 with which we are presently concerned. These five sections are Child Development and Pedagogy, Language 1 - focussing on proficiency relating to medium of instruction, Language 2- an optional language, Mathematics and Environmental Studies. The test items for the last two subjects should be correlated with concepts of problem solving ability and pedagogical understanding of the subject.
The scheme of the said examination therefore is not limited to one particular course of study like an individual subject or a B. Ed. Course. The argument of Sri Agrawal was to compare the curriculum of the higher educational qualifications possessed by a candidate under Clause 3 of the Notification dated 23.8.2010 to indicate that it is inclusive of everything that may be required of a teacher and which qualification has been acquired by a due process, recognised in law. Having perused the curriculum as enumerated hereinabove, we have no doubt that the structure and content of the teacher eligibility test is of a comprehensive character not narrowed down to any individual subject but relates to the overall performance of a candidate to test his capacity and attribute as a teacher. The curriculum therefore cannot be compressed so as to be compared with the claim of possession of a higher qualification of graduation or a B. Ed. Degree
The subject of Child Development and Pedagogy assumes importance and consequently a teacher eligibility test no longer remains a mere eligibility test but becomes the most essential qualification to be possessed for being appointed as a teacher. The word Pedagogy is derived from the word Pedagogue. It originates from the combination of two Greek words, Piados which means Boy and Agogos which means leading or guiding. In ancient times a Greek Slave who was charged with the care of his master's child in his youth with a job to escort the child, to and fro, from school, was known as a pedagogue. Slowly with the passage of time the said word came to be adopted as a synonym for a person who taught in a class room, and was a tutor as he was supposed to lead or guide a child. Thus Pedagogy came to be acknowledged as a science that related to the skill of teaching. It became a scientific art and was developed for the very purpose and aim of Child Development.
Many children are victims of apathy and wrongly motived parental treatment. Their emotional and skilful assessment, and proper treatment, has to be handled within the clinic of an elementary school where the sole physician is none else than a trained teacher. A candidate possessing a mere educational or a training qualification without any genuine attribute may not necessarily be a good teacher
कुछ लोग इस भर्ती को सपा सरकार वर्सस मायावती सरकार वर्सस केंद्र सरकार बता रहे हैं
वैसे देखा जाये तो इस भर्ती में तीनो सपा, बसपा व कोंग्रेस का सम्मिलत रूप दिखाई देता है -
पुराना भर्ती का विज्ञापन बसपा सरकार ने निकला , कोंग्रेस या केंद्र सरकार एन सी टी ई की नियमावली /आर टी ई एक्ट के तहत भर्ती नियम /सैलरी का हिस्सा देने के तोर मोजूद है , और सपा या वर्तमान सरकार इस भर्ती को नए सिरे से पूरा करने के तोर पर मोजूद है ।
आर टी ई एक्ट में बताया गया है कि सर्व शिक्षा अभियान के तहत होने वाली भर्ती में राज्य व केंद्र सरकार दोनों की सहभागिता होगी