Sunday, March 20, 2016

UPTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - बड़ी खबर।।।। शिक्षामित्रों के दूरस्थ बी0टी0सी0 प्रशिक्षण के प्रकरण पर माननीय उच्च न्यायालय ने NCTE , SCERT और राज्य सरकार को नोटिस जारी करते हुए कहा सभी करें 28 अप्रैल को काउन्टर फाइल : यहीं क्लिक कर कोर्ट का आदेश देखें


बड़ी खबर।।।।

शिक्षामित्रों के दूरस्थ बी0टी0सी0 प्रशिक्षण के प्रकरण पर माननीय उच्च न्यायालय ने NCTE , SCERT और राज्य सरकार को नोटिस जारी करते हुए कहा सभी करें 28 अप्रैल को काउन्टर फाइल : यहीं क्लिक कर कोर्ट का आदेश देखें ।
Court No. - 7
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 7682 of 2016
Petitioner :- Kuldeep Singh And Another
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And
Counsel for Petitioner :- Arvind Srivastava,Ashok Kumar
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Rajiv
Hon'ble Pradeep Kumar Singh Baghel,J.
Learned Standing Counsel appears for the respondent no.1. Sri
Rajiv Joshi, learned counsel has accepted notice on behalf of
respondent no.2.
It is contended on behalf of the petitioners that they did their
two years regular B.T.C. course from a recognized institution.
The respondents illegally permitted the candidates who did their
two years B.T.C. course from Distance Education from an
institution which is not a recognized institution.
Learned counsel for the petitioners has drawn the attention of
the Court to the Appendix-9 of the NCTE Regulations, 2014
which has been published in the Gazette of India, wherein the
eligibility of the institutions has been laid down in the following
Norms and standards for diploma in elementary
education programme through Open and Distance
Learning System leading to Diploma in Elementary
Education (D.El.Ed)
2. Eligibility of Institutions and Territorial
2.1 Eligibility of Institutions
The institutions or academic units specially
established for offering ODL programmes like the
National Open University, State Open Universities
and the Directorates/ School of Open and Distance
Learning in UGC-recognized Universities, Open
Schools, SCERTs shall be eligible to offer teacher
education porgrammes. (The Deemed to be
Universities, Agricultural, Technical or allied
Universities, which specialize in a field other
than teacher education and other discipline
specific Universities/Institutions are not
eligible to offer teacher education programmethrough ODL)."
It is urged by the learned counsel for the petitioners that the respondents have completed their training imparted by SCERT which is not a competent body in terms of Appendix-9 as mentioned above, therefore, they are not the Assistant Teacher in terms of the definition of the Regulations. Matter needs consideration. Issue notice to the respondents no.5, 6 & 7, returnable on 28th April, 2016.
Notice shall be sent by speed post. Steps be taken within ten days. Notice will indicate that the respondents may file their counter affidavit on or before the next date of listing.
Learned counsel for the N.C.T.E. may file counter affidavit by the next date of listing. Learned Standing Counsel may also file counter affidavit within the same period.
List on 28th April, 2016. The appointment of the respondents shall abide by the result of the writ petition.
Order Date :- 14.3.2016

Souce of info : Social Media, for authenticity please verify details from Allahabad Highcourt website

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