Sunday, October 18, 2015

UPTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - जूनियर विज्ञानं गणित में चयनित शिक्षकों को नहीं देना होगा प्रशिक्षु शिक्षक पद से इस्तीफ़ा


जूनियर विज्ञानं गणित में चयनित शिक्षकों को नहीं देना होगा प्रशिक्षु शिक्षक पद से इस्तीफ़ा 

मित्रों ,
भ्रामक ख़बरों पर ध्यान न दें ,

कोर्ट ने याचीयों को रहत दी है की 23 नवम्बर की अगली सुनवाई तक प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों को इस्तीफे के लिए बाध्य न किया जाए । 

हाई कोर्ट आर्डर के अनुसार सरकार कोर्ट को यह नहीं बता पाई कि किन कानून प्रावधानों के तहत प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों से इस्तीफ़ा लिया जाए । 

याची का कहना था की वह 72825 शिक्षक भर्ती में प्रशिक्षु शिक्षक में चयनित हुए , उसके बाद 29334 गणित विज्ञानं शिक्षक में भी चयनित हुए । 

लेकिन जब वह अपने ओरिजिनल दस्तावेज को प्रशिक्षु शिक्षक भर्ती से निकाल कर जूनियर विज्ञानं गणित शिक्षक में जमा कराने के लिए पहुंचे तो 
उनसे प्रशिक्षु शिक्षक पद से इस्तीफ़ा माँगा जा रहा है / बाध्य किया जा रहा है । 
जबकि ऐसा कोई कानूनी प्रावधान ही नहीं है , कोर्ट ने याची के पक्ष को सही पाते हुए सरकारी पक्ष को बुलाकर पूछा तो वह भी ऐसा कोई दस्तावेज नहीं पेश कर सके की प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों से किस आधार पर इस्तीफ़ा लिया जाए । 

और इस प्रकार दोनों पक्षों को रेजोइंडर व काउंटर एफिडेविट अगले ४ हफ़्तों तक देना है , और अगली सुनवाई 23 नवम्बर तक प्रशिक्षुओं को इस्तीफे के लिए बाध्य न करने का आदेश सरकार को दे दिया है । 

कुछ लोगो का सोशल मीडिया पर कहना है की तथ्यों को छिपा कर ऑर्डर कराया गया , काउंसलिंग की परमिशन के नाम पर ओरिजिनल डॉक्यूमेंट का चक्कर है । 
ऐसे लोगो को कहना है की ऑर्डर ध्यान से पढ़ें।  अगर उनके पास कोई प्रामाणिक जानकारी है तो लोगो को बताये । 

जूनियर विज्ञानं गणित शिक्षको ने अपनी कंडीशनल नियुक्ति देख कर यह कदम उठाया है , और किसी को शौक नहीं की प्रशिक्षु / प्राइमरी शिक्षक के पद पर भी बना रहे । 
वैसे स्थाई प्राइमरी शिक्षक लाइन ले कर प्राइमरी व जूनियर दोनों शिक्षकों के पद पर बने हुए हैं , पर यहाँ सवाल कॅरियर का है 4 साल बाद नियुक्ति मिली और कोई अपना भविष्य दांव पर कैसे लगा दे , इसलिए वह सभी सही रास्ते चुनने को स्वतंत्र है 

कोर्ट ने एक और ऑर्डर दिया है उसमे भी जूनियर व प्राइमरी शिक्षक दोनों पद है , लेकिन ऑरिजिनल दस्तावेज निकलने की छूट नहीं दे रहे थे ,
कोर्ट ने आदेश दिया है की ऐसे केस में अटेस्टेड कॉपी से काम चलाया जाए , और वेरिफिकेशन के टाइम पर ऑरिजिनल दस्तावेज लिए जाएँ 

दोनों आदेश आप लोगो को एक बार फिर इस आलेख के साथ प्रस्तुत कर रहे हैं 

प्राइमरी व् जूनियर दोनों में चयनित लोग सही राह / मशविरा के लिए यह ग्रुप ज्वाइन कर सकते हैं 

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कुछ लोगो ने इस्तीफे सम्बन्धी निम्न शासनादेश की जानकरी सोशल मीडिया पर दी थी , इसकी प्रमाणिकता के बारे में हमें पता नहीं , लेकिन 
आप लोगो को भी शेयर किये दे रहे हैं -




?Court No. - 7

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 57821 of 2015

Petitioner :- Neha Yadav And 50 Others

Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 22 Others

Counsel for Petitioner :- Girish Chandra Yadav

Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,A.K. Yadav,Arun Kumar,Ashok Kumar,Awadesh Kumar,B.K. Yadav,Bikram Bahadur,C.K. Rai,Harendra Yadav,Mrigraj Singh,N.C. Mishra,N.K. Singh,R.K. Singh,R.P. Singh,S.C. Upadhyay,S.K. Gupta,Sanjay Chaturvedi,Sanjay Kumar Singh,Shravan Kumar Pandey,Shyam Krishna Gupta,Sri S.K. Singh,Sri Shiv Badan

Hon'ble Pradeep Kumar Singh Baghel,J.

Supplementary affidavit, filed today, is taken on record.

The petitioners are fifty one in number. They have preferred this writ petition for a direction upon the respondents not to insist them to tender their resignation from Primary Schools, and allow them to join as Assistant Teachers (Mathematics or Science) in the respective Schools.

This Court in a matter of similarly placed persons i.e. Writ-A No. 57107 of 2015 (Pooja and others v. State of U.P. & others) has granted an interim protection to the petitioners therein by an order of the date i.e. 13th October, 2015, which reads as under:

"The petitioners are twenty two in number. They claim that they have been selected as Trainee Teachers in pursuance of an advertisement dated 30th November, 2011, wherein 72825 posts were advertised. It is stated that thereafter another advertisement was issued on 11th July, 2013 calling applications for 29334 posts of Assistant Teachers (Mathematics & Science) in Senior Basic Schools, which are in the higher pay scale.

The grievance of the petitioners is that being eligible for the posts of Assistant Teachers (Mathematics & Science) they had applied in pursuance of the subsequent advertisement also, wherein they have been selected. However, the respective District Basic Education Officers are not returning the original documents/educational testimonials of the petitioners unless the petitioners resign from the posts of Trainee Teacher.

It is contended that the said condition is arbitrary as there is no statutory requirement.�

Learned Counsel for the respondents has failed to point out any statutory provision or the executive order imposing such type of condition.

Matter needs consideration.

Learned Standing Counsel has accepted notice on behalf of the State functionaries, Sri P.D. Tripathi, learned Advocate appears for respondent nos. 3 & 9, and District Basic Education Officers of various districts i.e. respondent nos. 4 to 14 are represented by their respective Counsel.

As prayed by learned Standing Counsel, six weeks' time is granted to file counter affidavit. Other respondents may also file their counter affidavit within the same period. Rejoinder affidavit, if any, may be filed within a week thereafter.�

List this case on 23rd November, 2015.

The respondents will not insist the petitioners to tender their resignation as trainee teacher till the next date of listing."

Respondents may file counter affidavit within six weeks. Rejoinder affidavit, if any, may be filed within a week thereafter.

List on 23.1.2015.

The benefit of the interim order passed in the case of Pooja and others (supra), quoted hereinabove, is extended to the petitioners also.�

Order Date :- 13.10.2015





?Court No. - 10

Case :- SERVICE SINGLE No. - 6110 of 2015

Petitioner :- Anil Kumar Srivastava

Respondent :- State Of U.P. Through Prin. Secy. Deptt. Of Basic Edu. Lko.

Counsel for Petitioner :- Vivek Pandey

Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Ghaus Beg

Hon'ble Rajan Roy,J.

Heard learned counsel for the petitioner, learned Additional Chief Standing Counsel and Shri Ghaus Beg, learned counsel for the opposite parties no. 2 and 3.

The petitioner herein submitted the original testimonials while applying for appointment to the post of Assistant Teacher in Senior Basic School. Thereafter, the post of Assistant Teacher in Primary School was advertised wherein also the condition of submission of original testimonials existed.

In these compelling circumstances when the petitioner approached the concerned authority for returning of the original testimonials deposited in respect to earlier advertisement pertaining to Senior Basic School, he was required to submit an affidavit that he will not seek appointment against the post of Assistant Teacher in Senior Basic School and then the original testimonials were returned.

The contention of the counsel for the petitioner is that in such an arbitrary manner, the petitioner is being deprived of his right of consideration for appointment on the post of Assistant Teacher in the Senior Basis School based on the affidavit submitted by the petitioner.

Considering the facts of the case, this Court is of the view that a right of consideration for employment is a fundamental right under Article 16 of the Constitution of India. The same can not be denied based on the alleged affidavit submitted by the petitioner under compelling circumstances, on the demand of the opposite parties which in the first place was quite objectionable and illegal.

In these circumstances, it is provided that any such affidavit or application submitted by the petitioner, shall not be taken into cognizance, if the petitioner is otherwise eligible and entitled to be considered for appointment to the post of Assistant Teacher in Senior Basic School in pursuance to the advertisement issued in this regard.

At best the opposite parties can demand the petitioner to produce the original testimonials for verification at a later stage after submission of duly attested photocopies of the said testimonials.

With the aforesaid observations, the writ petition is disposed of.

Order Date :- 15.10.2015


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