Saturday, June 30, 2012

यू पी बोर्ड के अभ्यार्थीयों के साथ उत्तर प्रदेश में भेद भाव क्यों

यू पी बोर्ड के अभ्यार्थीयों  के साथ उत्तर प्रदेश में भेद भाव क्यों 

Why discrimination against UP Board Candidates , in UP

जब आई आई टी में प्रवेश के लिये सी बी एस ई के 78 % , यू पी बोर्ड के 65 % के बराबर माने हैं , तो यू पी अपने ही बोर्ड के छात्रों के साथ क्यूँ भेद भाव करता है |
बी टी सी / एल टी ग्रेड में अकादमिक अंकों के आधार पर चयन , यू पी बोर्ड के छात्रों को बेहद नुक्सान पहुंचा रहा है |
और उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार को अभ्यार्थीयों की इस समस्या की और ध्यान देना बेहद जरुरी है

Friday, June 29, 2012

UPTET / Allahabad Highcourt : COPY OF JUDGEMENT ORDER regarding SC/ST Cutoff Marks in TET Examination

UPTET / Allahabad Highcourt : COPY OF JUDGEMENT ORDER  regarding  SC/ST Cutoff Marks in
TET Examination


?Court No. - 7

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 27207 of 2012

Petitioner :- Shashi Kant And Others
Respondent :- State Of U.P.Thru.It'S Spl.Secy.Rman And Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Kshetresh Chandra Shukla
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,R.A.Akhtar

Hon'ble Arun Tandon,J.
Heard learned counsel for the parties.
Grievance of the petitioners� is that cut off marks in respect of scheduled castes category candidates for the U.P. Teaching Eligibility Test should be reduced to 50%� on the ground� that��� other backward class category candidates, who were not provided any� such relaxation� earlier have now been brought within the category of candidates entitled for admission on deducted cut off marks� by� 5%. The issue raised is within domain of the State Government, which is� competent to provide relaxation in respect of� qualifying marks
Accordingly, the present writ petition is disposed of by providing that the petitioners may make a representation, ventilating all their� grievances, supported by such documents as may be advised, before respondent no.1 within two weeks from today, along with a certified copy of this order. On such representation being made, respondent no.1 after calling for the records, shall consider and decide the same, in accordance with law, by means of a reasoned speaking order, preferably within eight weeks from the date the representation is made
(Arun Tandon, J.)
Order Date :- 29.5.2012

Source :

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

UPTET: SC/ST Cutoff Marks in TET Examination

UPTET: SC/ST Cutoff Marks in TET Examination


?Court No. - 7

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 25147 of 2012

Petitioner :- Rajendra Singh And Anr.
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And Anr.
Petitioner Counsel :- Aashish Shrivastav
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.

Hon'ble Arun Tandon,J.
According to the petitioners the cut of merit fixed at 55% for the S.C. and S.T. candidates in respect of the T.E.T. examination is further liable to be reduced to 50%, in as much as O.B.C. category, which were not provided any such relaxation earlier, have also been provided relaxation of 5%.
I am of the considered opinion that it is for the Appointing Authority/Selecting Authority to determine the cut of merit. In the facts of the case, such cut of merit has been prescribed 5% lower viz. a viz. the general category candidates. No further relaxation can be provided by this Court. 
Writ petition is misconceived and the same is dismissed. 
Order Date :- 22.5.2012

Source :
However I am unable to find out this judgment as sombody posted below news on FB wall : -
(If anybody have judgement link then please provide on BLOG)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

UPTET : धैर्य से काम लें टीईटी अभ्यर्थी

UPTET : धैर्य से काम लें टीईटी अभ्यर्थी

बलरामपुर : बीएड डिग्रीधारकों की बैठक रविवार को तुलसीपार्क में संपन्न हुई। बैठक में टीईटी अभ्यर्थियों द्वारा की जा रही आत्महत्या को दु:खद बताया गया।

संघ के जिलाध्यक्ष नीलमणि शुक्ल ने कहाकि प्रदेश सरकार की उपेक्षापूर्ण रवैए से टीईटी अभ्यर्थी आर्थिक और मानसिक तौर पर प्रताड़ित हो रहे हैं। अब तक 11 अभ्यर्थी आत्महत्या कर चुके हैं। तीन जुलाई को न्यायालय का निर्णय होने के बाद आरपार की लड़ाई लड़ी जाएगी। उन्होंने कहाकि जिले में शिक्षा माफिया का बोलबाला है। जिले के कॉलेजों में अयोग्य अभ्यर्थियों से रुपये लेकर उनकी नियुक्ति की जा रही है। शीघ्र ही नियुक्ति के विषय पर संगठन की ओर से जन सूचना अधिकार अधिनियम के तहत जानकारी मांगी जाएगी। बैठक में अंशुमान मिश्र, आदर्श श्रीवास्तव, गौरव माथुर, अर्जुन प्रसाद, संतोष मिश्र, सुमित, कामेश्वर दत्त, कौशल शुक्ल आदि मौजूद थे।

News Source : / (25.6.12)

I read on facebook that some TET candidates using RTI to know details as they are worried for their future. And same is reflected in this NEWS.

Monday, June 25, 2012

BETET : Bihar to appoint 1.25 lakh primary teachers

BETET : Bihar to appoint 1.25 lakh primary teachers

PATNA: The candidates who passed the Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) will soon get jobs in the primary schools. Education department officials said the appointment process will start from the first week of August.

About 1.25 lakh aspirants have passed the TET of which result was published on May 14, said education department joint secretary and spokesman R S Singh. Of them 37,335 aspirants were female. Singh said the appointment schedule has been prepared and being sent to all the district education officials. All of them will get appointment letters by the end of this year, he added. The candidates who passed TET are required to submit their applications from August 8 to September 8

The department is also preparing to release schedule for appointment of secondary schools and it is expected that about 20,000 teachers will be appointed.

Drawing the attention of the centre, the state education department has pleaded for opening of at least 4,000 high schools in Bihar in order to open one high school in each panchayat. This demand was put before ministry of human resources development under secretary Vrinda Swaroop in course of her meeting with education department principal secretary Amrjit Sinha.

She was told that Bihar has only 3,000 high schools of which 1,000 were upgraded to plus 2 but still teachers have not been appointed there. Under the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, the centre has provided fund for the construction of extra classrooms in the existing schools. Bihar officials pointed out that fund had not been released for the purpose.

News Source  : / Times of India Epaper ( 25.6.2012)
Bihar is going to appoint 1.25 lakh teachers in State to implement RTE, Where is UP.
UP is having highest population in India and recruitment process started 6 months back.
Candidate in UP are highly confused about their job, What happen in court on 3rd July 2012 ?
In UP candidates are in last phase of selection, but circumstances creates a lot of confusion in state.

Friday, June 22, 2012

UPTET : युवक ने फंदे से लटकर दे दी जान

UPTET : युवक ने फंदे से लटकर दे दी जान

हलिया /लालगंज (मीरजापुर) : परिजनों की फटकार से क्षुब्ध युवक राकेश पटेल (27) ने गुरुवार को सुबह सात बजे अपने कमरे में फांसी का फंदा लगाकर जान दे दी। इसकी जानकारी होते ही परिजनों में कोहराम मच गया।

वह लालगंज क्षेत्र के चर्की कुर्मियान गांव निवासी रामनवल पटेल का पुत्र व पूर्व ग्राम प्रधान कन्हैया सिंह का भतीजा था। परिजनों ने बताया  कि वह परिवार का काफी होनहार युवक था। उसकी एक वर्ष पूर्व ही शादी हुई थी और वह टीईटी की परीक्षा भी पास कर चुका था

राकेश इधर कुछ दिनों से काफी विचलित रहता था। घर गृहस्थी के काम में वह रूचि नहीं ले रहा था। उसके पिता ने ट्रैक्टर से खेतों में गोबर की खाद फेंकवाने के लिए कहा था लेकिन पिता की यह बात उसको नागवार लगी। वह काम कराने की बजाय अपने कमरे में जाकर गार्डर के कुण्डी में फांसी का फंदा लगाकर लटक गया।

परिजनों का ध्यान उसकी ओर जाता तब तक उसके प्राण पखेरू उड़ गए थे। इसकी जानकारी होते ही परिजनों में कोहराम मच गया। इसकी सूचना मिलते ही पुलिस भी मौके पर पहुंच गई। उसने शव को कब्जे में लेकर पोस्टमार्टम के लिए भेज दिया।

News Source : (22.6.2012) /

Thursday, June 21, 2012

UPTET - Letter / Article Written By Mr. Sunil Kumar (TET Candidate )

Letter / Article Written By Mr. Sunil Kumar (TET Candidate )

From: sunil kumar <>
Date: 2012/6/21

To Honble Arun Tandon, Chief Justice High Cour Sri Syed Rafat Alam and CJI Supreme Court in both version Hindi & English in MS word please write date, signature and send those to their addresses as written below by SPEED POST as soon as possible to attain your mission UPTET 2011-

1-        To,
            The Honble Justice, High Court,
             Sri Arun Tandon
            3, Patrika Marg,
            Allahabad, U.P.- 211001
2-         To,
            The Honble Chief Justice,
            Syed Rafat Alam
             High Court,
            Allahabad, U.P.  211001
3-         To,
            The Honble Chief Justice,
            Sri S. H. Kapadia,
            Supreme Court,
            Tilak Marg,
            New Delhi, INDIA - 110001

lsok esa]
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Jh v:.k V.Mu th]
bykgkckn gkbZdksVZ
bykgkckn] m0iz0        
      vkt mRrj izns”k ds yxHkx 3 yk[k v/;kid ik=rk ijh{kk&2011¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0½ mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa o muls tqM+s ifjokjksa dk Hkfo’; nkWao ij gSA f”k{kk ls tqM+s bl vfrlaosnu”khy eqn~ns ij jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk o U;k;ikfydk dh laosnughurk ls ge Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa dk Hkfo’; [kRe gksrk utj vk jgk gSA
      izns”k esa yxHkx 3-24 yk[k izkFkfed f”k{kdksa ds in [kkyh gSaA izns”k esa f”k{kk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e ¼R.T.E. izns”k esa izHkkoh :Ik ls ykxw&1 viszSy lu~ 2009½ ykxw gksus ds ckotwn fiNys pkj o’kksaZ ls ,d Hkh in ij HkrhZ u djuk o bl fn”kk esa dksbZ Bksl dne u mBkuk jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk dk Li’V izek.k gSA vkt mRrj izns”k esa yk[kksa izf”kf{kr] ;ksX; izfrHkkoku f”k{kdksa ds gksrs gq, Hkh vizf”kf{kr f”k{kdksa ds gkFk esa djksM+ksa ukSfugkyksa dks lkSai dj muds Hkfo’; ds lkFk Hkh f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn;] izns”k esa igyh ckj brus cM+s iSekus ij ¼72825 inksa ij½ lerk] U;k; o O;ogkfjdrk ij vk/kkfjr Vh0bZ0Vh0 esfjV ds vk/kkj ij lqizf”kf{kr ;ksX; vuqHkoh f”k{kdksa dh HkrhZ iwoZorhZ ljdkj }kjk dh tk jgh FkhA ijUrq      lRrk ifjorZu ds ckn ekStwnk ljdkj }kjk cjrh tk jgh fuf’Ø;rk o jktuSfrd ykHk dekus gsrq HkrhZ izfØ;k dh fof/k;ksa o “kqfprk ds lkFk NsM+NkM+ dj] dkuwuh nkWaoispksa esa QWalk dj O;FkZ dh ck/kk,Wa [kM+k dj vuko”;d :Ik ls HkrhZ izfØ;k dks ckf/kr dj foyEc fd;k tk jgk gSA ftlesa U;k;ikfydk dh vkM+ esa eqn~ns dks dkQh yEcs le; ls ckf/kr dj u dsoy Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa ds Hkfo’; ds lkFk f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gS] cfYd izns”k ds djksM+ksa xjhc] vlgk;] ukSfugkyksa ds Hkfo’; dks Hkh lekIr fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn; KkrO; gks fd f”k{kd HkrhZ izfØ;k ls tqM+s ekeys mPp U;k;ky; bykgkckn esa 21 fnlEcj 2011 ls yfEcr gS] ftu ij vusdksa frfFk;ksa ij frfFk;kWa iM+us ds ckn vkt lkr ekg chr tkus ds ckn Hkh dksbZ lquokbZ u gks ikuk fdruk nqHkkZX;iw.kZ gS vkSj ;g nksf’k;ksa] nkfx;ksa dks vizR;{k :Ik ls iksf’kr o lajf{kr djrk gqvk rFkk yk[kksa csxqukgksa dks ekufld] vkfFkZd o lkekftd :Ik ls mRihfM+r djrk gqvk izrhr gks jgk gSA
      vius vf/kdkjksa o U;k; dh izkfIr gsrq tc yk[kksa yksxksa us “kkafriwoZd /kjuk izn”kZu o vkUnksyu fd;k rks izns”k ljdkj us ccZrkZiwoZd ykBh pktZ djokdj U;k; dh vkokt dks ckj&ckj nck dj “kfDr”kkyh lRrk ds vkxs tcjnLrh >qdk fn;kA bl chp gks jgs vU;k; o vuko”;d foyEc ls volknxzLr gksdj geesa ls vusd vH;fFkZ;ksa us vius izk.k R;kx fn;s gSaA
      egksn;] vkt ds bl fo’ke jktuSfrd nkSj esa ;fn gesa viuk Hkfo’; lqjf{kr fn[kkbZ nsrk gS rks og gS U;k;ikfydk ds gkFkksa esaA vr% Jheku~ th ls lknj iwoZd fuosnu gS fd egksn; ekeys dks Lor% laKku esa ysdj bl ekeys dh xaHkhjrk o laosnu”khyrk dks le>rs gq, ekeys dk ;Fkk”kh?kz fuLrkj.k djus dh egrh d`ik djsaA

fnukad&                                                     izs’kd
                                                 ¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;FkhZ½
                                                           mRrj izns”k

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lS;n jQr vkye th]
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      vkt mRrj izns”k ds yxHkx 3 yk[k v/;kid ik=rk ijh{kk&2011¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0½ mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa o muls tqM+s ifjokjksa dk Hkfo’; nkWao ij gSA f”k{kk ls tqM+s bl vfrlaosnu”khy eqn~ns ij jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk o U;k;ikfydk dh laosnughurk ls ge Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa dk Hkfo’; [kRe gksrk utj vk jgk gSA
      izns”k esa yxHkx 3-24 yk[k izkFkfed f”k{kdksa ds in [kkyh gSaA izns”k esa f”k{kk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e ¼R.T.E. izns”k esa izHkkoh :Ik ls ykxw&1 viszSy lu~ 2009½ ykxw gksus ds ckotwn fiNys pkj o’kksaZ ls ,d Hkh in ij HkrhZ u djuk o bl fn”kk esa dksbZ Bksl dne u mBkuk jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk dk Li’V izek.k gSA vkt mRrj izns”k esa yk[kksa izf”kf{kr] ;ksX; izfrHkkoku f”k{kdksa ds gksrs gq, Hkh vizf”kf{kr f”k{kdksa ds gkFk esa djksM+ksa ukSfugkyksa dks lkSai dj muds Hkfo’; ds lkFk Hkh f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn;] izns”k esa igyh ckj brus cM+s iSekus ij ¼72825 inksa ij½ lerk] U;k; o O;ogkfjdrk ij vk/kkfjr Vh0bZ0Vh0 esfjV ds vk/kkj ij lqizf”kf{kr ;ksX; vuqHkoh f”k{kdksa dh HkrhZ iwoZorhZ ljdkj }kjk dh tk jgh FkhA ijUrq      lRrk ifjorZu ds ckn ekStwnk ljdkj }kjk cjrh tk jgh fuf’Ø;rk o jktuSfrd ykHk dekus gsrq HkrhZ izfØ;k dh fof/k;ksa o “kqfprk ds lkFk NsM+NkM+ dj] dkuwuh nkWaoispksa esa QWalk dj O;FkZ dh ck/kk,Wa [kM+k dj vuko”;d :Ik ls HkrhZ izfØ;k dks ckf/kr dj foyEc fd;k tk jgk gSA ftlesa U;k;ikfydk dh vkM+ esa eqn~ns dks dkQh yEcs le; ls ckf/kr dj u dsoy Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa ds Hkfo’; ds lkFk f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gS] cfYd izns”k ds djksM+ksa xjhc] vlgk;] ukSfugkyksa ds Hkfo’; dks Hkh lekIr fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn; KkrO; gks fd f”k{kd HkrhZ izfØ;k ls tqM+s ekeys mPp U;k;ky; bykgkckn esa 21 fnlEcj 2011 ls yfEcr gS] ftu ij vusdksa frfFk;ksa ij frfFk;kWa iM+us ds ckn vkt lkr ekg chr tkus ds ckn Hkh dksbZ lquokbZ u gks ikuk fdruk nqHkkZX;iw.kZ gS vkSj ;g nksf’k;ksa] nkfx;ksa dks vizR;{k :Ik ls iksf’kr o lajf{kr djrk gqvk rFkk yk[kksa csxqukgksa dks ekufld] vkfFkZd o lkekftd :Ik ls mRihfM+r djrk gqvk izrhr gks jgk gSA
      vius vf/kdkjksa o U;k; dh izkfIr gsrq tc yk[kksa yksxksa us “kkafriwoZd /kjuk izn”kZu o vkUnksyu fd;k rks izns”k ljdkj us ccZrkZiwoZd ykBh pktZ djokdj U;k; dh vkokt dks ckj&ckj nck dj “kfDr”kkyh lRrk ds vkxs tcjnLrh >qdk fn;kA bl chp gks jgs vU;k; o vuko”;d foyEc ls volknxzLr gksdj geesa ls vusd vH;fFkZ;ksa us vius izk.k R;kx fn;s gSaA
      egksn;] vkt ds bl fo’ke jktuSfrd nkSj esa ;fn gesa viuk Hkfo’; lqjf{kr fn[kkbZ nsrk gS rks og gS U;k;ikfydk ds gkFkksa esaA vr% Jheku~ th ls lknj iwoZd fuosnu gS fd egksn; ekeys dks Lor% laKku esa ysdj bl ekeys dh xaHkhjrk o laosnu”khyrk dks le>rs gq, ekeys dk ;Fkk”kh?kz fuLrkj.k djus dh egrh d`ik djsaA

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      s                                     ¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;FkhZ½
                                                          mRrj izns”k

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Jh ,l0,p0 dkifM+;k th]
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ubZ fnYyh] Hkkjr
      vkt mRrj izns”k ds yxHkx 3 yk[k v/;kid ik=rk ijh{kk&2011¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0½ mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa o muls tqM+s ifjokjksa dk Hkfo’; nkWao ij gSA f”k{kk ls tqM+s bl vfrlaosnu”khy eqn~ns ij jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk o U;k;ikfydk dh laosnughurk ls ge Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa dk Hkfo’; [kRe gksrk utj vk jgk gSA
      izns”k esa yxHkx 3-24 yk[k izkFkfed f”k{kdksa ds in [kkyh gSaA izns”k esa f”k{kk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e ¼R.T.E. izns”k esa izHkkoh :Ik ls ykxw&1 viszSy lu~ 2009½ ykxw gksus ds ckotwn fiNys pkj o’kksaZ ls ,d Hkh in ij HkrhZ u djuk o bl fn”kk esa dksbZ Bksl dne u mBkuk jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk dk Li’V izek.k gSA vkt mRrj izns”k esa yk[kksa izf”kf{kr] ;ksX; izfrHkkoku f”k{kdksa ds gksrs gq, Hkh vizf”kf{kr f”k{kdksa ds gkFk esa djksM+ksa ukSfugkyksa dks lkSai dj muds Hkfo’; ds lkFk Hkh f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn;] izns”k esa igyh ckj brus cM+s iSekus ij ¼72825 inksa ij½ lerk] U;k; o O;ogkfjdrk ij vk/kkfjr Vh0bZ0Vh0 esfjV ds vk/kkj ij lqizf”kf{kr ;ksX; vuqHkoh f”k{kdksa dh HkrhZ iwoZorhZ ljdkj }kjk dh tk jgh FkhA ijUrq      lRrk ifjorZu ds ckn ekStwnk ljdkj }kjk cjrh tk jgh fuf’Ø;rk o jktuSfrd ykHk dekus gsrq HkrhZ izfØ;k dh fof/k;ksa o “kqfprk ds lkFk NsM+NkM+ dj] dkuwuh nkWaoispksa esa QWalk dj O;FkZ dh ck/kk,Wa [kM+k dj vuko”;d :Ik ls HkrhZ izfØ;k dks ckf/kr dj foyEc fd;k tk jgk gSA ftlesa U;k;ikfydk dh vkM+ esa eqn~ns dks dkQh yEcs le; ls ckf/kr dj u dsoy Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa ds Hkfo’; ds lkFk f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gS] cfYd izns”k ds djksM+ksa xjhc] vlgk;] ukSfugkyksa ds Hkfo’; dks Hkh lekIr fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn; KkrO; gks fd f”k{kd HkrhZ izfØ;k ls tqM+s ekeys mPp U;k;ky; bykgkckn esa 21 fnlEcj 2011 ls yfEcr gS] ftu ij vusdksa frfFk;ksa ij frfFk;kWa iM+us ds ckn vkt lkr ekg chr tkus ds ckn Hkh dksbZ lquokbZ u gks ikuk fdruk nqHkkZX;iw.kZ gS vkSj ;g nksf’k;ksa] nkfx;ksa dks vizR;{k :Ik ls iksf’kr o lajf{kr djrk gqvk rFkk yk[kksa csxqukgksa dks ekufld] vkfFkZd o lkekftd :Ik ls mRihfM+r djrk gqvk izrhr gks jgk gSA
      vius vf/kdkjksa o U;k; dh izkfIr gsrq tc yk[kksa yksxksa us “kkafriwoZd /kjuk izn”kZu o vkUnksyu fd;k rks izns”k ljdkj us ccZrkZiwoZd ykBh pktZ djokdj U;k; dh vkokt dks ckj&ckj nck dj “kfDr”kkyh lRrk ds vkxs tcjnLrh >qdk fn;kA bl chp gks jgs vU;k; o vuko”;d foyEc ls volknxzLr gksdj geesa ls vusd vH;fFkZ;ksa us vius izk.k R;kx fn;s gSaA
      egksn;] vkt ds bl fo’ke jktuSfrd nkSj esa ;fn gesa viuk Hkfo’; lqjf{kr fn[kkbZ nsrk gS rks og gS U;k;ikfydk ds gkFkksa esaA vr% Jheku~ th ls lknj iwoZd fuosnu gS fd egksn; ekeys dks Lor% laKku esa ysdj bl ekeys dh xaHkhjrk o laosnu”khyrk dks le>rs gq, ekeys dk ;Fkk”kh?kz fuLrkj.k djus dh egrh d`ik djsaA

fnukad&                                                    izs’kd
      s                                           ¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;FkhZ½
                                                         mRrj izns”k

        The Hon’ble Justice,
        Sri Arun Tandon
  High Court,
        Allahabad, U.P.
            Today all of approximately 3 Lakhs U.P.T.E.T. qualified students and their family are facing an uncertainty of their future. The future of all of us U.P.T.E.T. qualified students is dying day by day due to U.P. Government neutrality and imperviousness of court upon such a very sensitive matter concerned with education.
            There are approx. 3.24 Lakhs PRT Teacher seats vacant this year. It is a clear evidence of neutrality by State Govt. neither recruiting nor taking any strong steps in this matter besides the RTE Act have been already activated since 1st Apr. 2009. Today Crores of children are being educated in scramble way by untrained teachers instead of lakhs of trained teachers, who are already available in U.P.
            Sir, Well trained teachers were being recruited by previous Govt. on the basis of TET Merit that lays upon the scale of equality, justice & practicality. But recruitment process is being delayed unnecessarily by various useless obstacles regarding recruitment process, cleanliness and using legal tactics for the sake of political issues by this govt. From behind the stay in court, not only the T.E.T. passed candidate’s future is being played but also the future of Crores of poor, helpless children is being crushed by delaying and producing obstacles.
            Sir, This is to mention that cases relating to teacher recruitment process is dumped and holding off further delayed by giving date by date and this is very fateful that today it being SEVEN months old case, not a single hearing have been done. Due to this condition, the case related to stay seems soothing and nourishing indirectly to victims and education mafias.
            When we lakhs of candidates picketing and agitating peacefully to achieve our rights and gain justice then the U.P. Govt. compelling to bow and swallowing all of efforts of us by using power through lathi charging brutally by securityforces.
            In the mid, many candidates among us dying (8 candidates died till now) due to mental pressure and harassment by injustice and unnecessary delaying.
            Sir, today we are looking our future secured only in the hands of the respective court. Therefore, we submissively request you for a fast disposal of the Stay Case No. 76039 of 2011 after hearing with an understanding of case sensitivity and seriousness.  
Dated-                                        Sender:                       
                                     (U.P.T.E.T. Uttirn Chaatra Sangh)
                                                                                                                                        Uttar Pradesh

         The Hon’ble Chief Justice,
         Syed Rafat Alam
    High Court,
         Allahabad, U.P.
            Today all of approximately 3 Lakhs U.P.T.E.T. qualified students and their family are facing an uncertainty of their future. The future of all of us U.P.T.E.T. qualified students is dying day by day due to U.P. Government neutrality and imperviousness of court upon such a very sensitive matter concerned with education.
            There are approx. 3.24 Lakhs PRT Teacher seats vacant this year. It is a clear evidence of neutrality by State Govt. neither recruiting nor taking any strong steps in this matter besides the RTE Act have been already activated since 1st Apr. 2009. Today Crores of children are being educated in scramble way by untrained teachers instead of lakhs of trained teachers, who are already available in U.P.
            Sir, Well trained teachers were being recruited by previous Govt. on the basis of TET Merit that lays upon the scale of equality, justice & practicality. But recruitment process is being delayed unnecessarily by various useless obstacles regarding recruitment process, cleanliness and using legal tactics for the sake of political issues by this govt. From behind the stay in court, not only the T.E.T. passed candidate’s future is being played but also the future of Crores of poor, helpless children is being crushed by delaying and producing obstacles.
            Sir, This is to mention that cases relating to teacher recruitment process is dumped and holding off further delayed by giving date by date and this is very fateful that today it being SEVEN months old case, not a single hearing have been done. Due to this condition, the case related to stay seems soothing and nourishing indirectly to victims and education mafias.
            When we lakhs of candidates picketing and agitating peacefully to achieve our rights and gain justice then the U.P. Govt. compelling to bow and swallowing all of efforts of us by using power through lathi charging brutally by securityforces.
            In the mid, many candidates among us dying (8 candidates died till now) due to mental pressure and harassment by injustice and unnecessary delaying.
            Sir, today we are looking our future secured only in the hands of the respective court. Therefore, we submissively request you for a fast disposal of the Stay Case No. 76039 of 2011 after hearing with an understanding of case sensitivity and seriousness. 
Dated-                                                           Sender:                       
                                            (U.P.T.E.T. Uttirn Chaatra Sangh)
                                                                                                                                                  Uttar Pradesh

      The Hon’ble Chief Justice,
       Sri S. H. Kapadia
 Supreme Court,
       New Delhi, INDIA
            Today all of approximately 3 Lakhs U.P.T.E.T. qualified students and their family are facing an uncertainty of their future. The future of all of us U.P.T.E.T. qualified students is dying day by day due to U.P. Government neutrality and imperviousness of court upon such a very sensitive matter concerned with education.
            There are approx. 3.24 Lakhs PRT Teacher seats vacant this year. It is a clear evidence of neutrality by State Govt. neither recruiting nor taking any strong steps in this matter besides the RTE Act have been already activated since 1st Apr. 2009. Today Crores of children are being educated in scramble way by untrained teachers instead of lakhs of trained teachers, who are already available in U.P.
            Sir, Well trained teachers were being recruited by previous Govt. on the basis of TET Merit that lays upon the scale of equality, justice & practicality. But recruitment process is being delayed unnecessarily by various useless obstacles regarding recruitment process, cleanliness and using legal tactics for the sake of political issues by this govt. From behind the stay in court, not only the T.E.T. passed candidate’s future is being played but also the future of Crores of poor, helpless children is being crushed by delaying and producing obstacles.
            Sir, This is to mention that cases relating to teacher recruitment process is dumped and holding off further delayed by giving date by date and this is very fateful that today it being SEVEN months old case, not a single hearing have been done. Due to this condition, the case related to stay seems soothing and nourishing indirectly to victims and education mafias.
            When we lakhs of candidates picketing and agitating peacefully to achieve our rights and gain justice then the U.P. Govt. compelling to bow and swallowing all of efforts of us by using power through lathi charging brutally by securityforces.
            In the mid, many candidates among us dying (8 candidates died till now) due to mental pressure and harassment by injustice and unnecessary delaying.
            Sir, today we are looking our future secured only in the hands of the respective court. Therefore, we submissively request you for a fast disposal of the Stay Case No. 76039 of 2011 after hearing with an understanding of case sensitivity and seriousness. 
Dated-                                                     Sender:                       
                                            (U.P.T.E.T. Uttirn Chaatra Sangh)
                                               Uttar Pradesh

Letter / Article Written By Mr. Sunil Kumar (TET Candidate )

Letter / Article Written By Mr. Sunil Kumar (TET Candidate )

From: sunil kumar <>
Date: 2012/6/21

lsok esa];]
ekuuh; U;k;k/kh”k
Jh v:.k V.Mu th]
bykgkckn gkbZdksVZ
bykgkckn] m0iz0        
      vkt mRrj izns”k ds yxHkx 3 yk[k v/;kid ik=rk ijh{kk&2011¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0½ mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa o muls tqM+s ifjokjksa dk Hkfo’; nkWao ij gSA f”k{kk ls tqM+s bl vfrlaosnu”khy eqn~ns ij jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk o U;k;ikfydk dh laosnughurk ls ge Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa dk Hkfo’; [kRe gksrk utj vk jgk gSA
      izns”k esa yxHkx 3-24 yk[k izkFkfed f”k{kdksa ds in [kkyh gSaA izns”k esa f”k{kk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e ¼R.T.E. izns”k esa izHkkoh :Ik ls ykxw&1 viszSy lu~ 2009½ ykxw gksus ds ckotwn fiNys pkj o’kksaZ ls ,d Hkh in ij HkrhZ u djuk o bl fn”kk esa dksbZ Bksl dne u mBkuk jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk dk Li’V izek.k gSA vkt mRrj izns”k esa yk[kksa izf”kf{kr] ;ksX; izfrHkkoku f”k{kdksa ds gksrs gq, Hkh vizf”kf{kr f”k{kdksa ds gkFk esa djksM+ksa ukSfugkyksa dks lkSai dj muds Hkfo’; ds lkFk Hkh f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn;] izns”k esa igyh ckj brus cM+s iSekus ij ¼72825 inksa ij½ lerk] U;k; o O;ogkfjdrk ij vk/kkfjr Vh0bZ0Vh0 esfjV ds vk/kkj ij lqizf”kf{kr ;ksX; vuqHkoh f”k{kdksa dh HkrhZ iwoZorhZ ljdkj }kjk dh tk jgh FkhA ijUrq      lRrk ifjorZu ds ckn ekStwnk ljdkj }kjk cjrh tk jgh fuf’Ø;rk o jktuSfrd ykHk dekus gsrq HkrhZ izfØ;k dh fof/k;ksa o “kqfprk ds lkFk NsM+NkM+ dj] dkuwuh nkWaoispksa esa QWalk dj O;FkZ dh ck/kk,Wa [kM+k dj vuko”;d :Ik ls HkrhZ izfØ;k dks ckf/kr dj foyEc fd;k tk jgk gSA ftlesa U;k;ikfydk dh vkM+ esa eqn~ns dks dkQh yEcs le; ls ckf/kr dj u dsoy Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa ds Hkfo’; ds lkFk f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gS] cfYd izns”k ds djksM+ksa xjhc] vlgk;] ukSfugkyksa ds Hkfo’; dks Hkh lekIr fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn; KkrO; gks fd f”k{kd HkrhZ izfØ;k ls tqM+s ekeys mPp U;k;ky; bykgkckn esa 21 fnlEcj 2011 ls yfEcr gS] ftu ij vusdksa frfFk;ksa ij frfFk;kWa iM+us ds ckn vkt lkr ekg chr tkus ds ckn Hkh dksbZ lquokbZ u gks ikuk fdruk nqHkkZX;iw.kZ gS vkSj ;g nksf’k;ksa] nkfx;ksa dks vizR;{k :Ik ls iksf’kr o lajf{kr djrk gqvk rFkk yk[kksa csxqukgksa dks ekufld] vkfFkZd o lkekftd :Ik ls mRihfM+r djrk gqvk izrhr gks jgk gSA
      vius vf/kdkjksa o U;k; dh izkfIr gsrq tc yk[kksa yksxksa us “kkafriwoZd /kjuk izn”kZu o vkUnksyu fd;k rks izns”k ljdkj us ccZrkZiwoZd ykBh pktZ djokdj U;k; dh vkokt dks ckj&ckj nck dj “kfDr”kkyh lRrk ds vkxs tcjnLrh >qdk fn;kA bl chp gks jgs vU;k; o vuko”;d foyEc ls volknxzLr gksdj geesa ls vusd vH;fFkZ;ksa us vius izk.k R;kx fn;s gSaA
      egksn;] vkt ds bl fo’ke jktuSfrd nkSj esa ;fn gesa viuk Hkfo’; lqjf{kr fn[kkbZ nsrk gS rks og gS U;k;ikfydk ds gkFkksa esaA vr% Jheku~ th ls lknj iwoZd fuosnu gS fd egksn; ekeys dks Lor% laKku esa ysdj bl ekeys dh xaHkhjrk o laosnu”khyrk dks le>rs gq, ekeys dk ;Fkk”kh?kz fuLrkj.k djus dh egrh d`ik djsaA

fnukad&                                                           izs’kd
                                                   ¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;FkhZ½
                                                               mRrj izns”k
lsok esa]
ekuuh; eq[; U;k;k/kh”k
lS;n jQr vkye th]
bykgkckn gkbZdksVZ
bykgkckn] m0iz0
      vkt mRrj izns”k ds yxHkx 3 yk[k v/;kid ik=rk ijh{kk&2011¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0½ mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa o muls tqM+s ifjokjksa dk Hkfo’; nkWao ij gSA f”k{kk ls tqM+s bl vfrlaosnu”khy eqn~ns ij jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk o U;k;ikfydk dh laosnughurk ls ge Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa dk Hkfo’; [kRe gksrk utj vk jgk gSA
      izns”k esa yxHkx 3-24 yk[k izkFkfed f”k{kdksa ds in [kkyh gSaA izns”k esa f”k{kk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e ¼R.T.E. izns”k esa izHkkoh :Ik ls ykxw&1 viszSy lu~ 2009½ ykxw gksus ds ckotwn fiNys pkj o’kksaZ ls ,d Hkh in ij HkrhZ u djuk o bl fn”kk esa dksbZ Bksl dne u mBkuk jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk dk Li’V izek.k gSA vkt mRrj izns”k esa yk[kksa izf”kf{kr] ;ksX; izfrHkkoku f”k{kdksa ds gksrs gq, Hkh vizf”kf{kr f”k{kdksa ds gkFk esa djksM+ksa ukSfugkyksa dks lkSai dj muds Hkfo’; ds lkFk Hkh f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn;] izns”k esa igyh ckj brus cM+s iSekus ij ¼72825 inksa ij½ lerk] U;k; o O;ogkfjdrk ij vk/kkfjr Vh0bZ0Vh0 esfjV ds vk/kkj ij lqizf”kf{kr ;ksX; vuqHkoh f”k{kdksa dh HkrhZ iwoZorhZ ljdkj }kjk dh tk jgh FkhA ijUrq      lRrk ifjorZu ds ckn ekStwnk ljdkj }kjk cjrh tk jgh fuf’Ø;rk o jktuSfrd ykHk dekus gsrq HkrhZ izfØ;k dh fof/k;ksa o “kqfprk ds lkFk NsM+NkM+ dj] dkuwuh nkWaoispksa esa QWalk dj O;FkZ dh ck/kk,Wa [kM+k dj vuko”;d :Ik ls HkrhZ izfØ;k dks ckf/kr dj foyEc fd;k tk jgk gSA ftlesa U;k;ikfydk dh vkM+ esa eqn~ns dks dkQh yEcs le; ls ckf/kr dj u dsoy Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa ds Hkfo’; ds lkFk f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gS] cfYd izns”k ds djksM+ksa xjhc] vlgk;] ukSfugkyksa ds Hkfo’; dks Hkh lekIr fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn; KkrO; gks fd f”k{kd HkrhZ izfØ;k ls tqM+s ekeys mPp U;k;ky; bykgkckn esa 21 fnlEcj 2011 ls yfEcr gS] ftu ij vusdksa frfFk;ksa ij frfFk;kWa iM+us ds ckn vkt lkr ekg chr tkus ds ckn Hkh dksbZ lquokbZ u gks ikuk fdruk nqHkkZX;iw.kZ gS vkSj ;g nksf’k;ksa] nkfx;ksa dks vizR;{k :Ik ls iksf’kr o lajf{kr djrk gqvk rFkk yk[kksa csxqukgksa dks ekufld] vkfFkZd o lkekftd :Ik ls mRihfM+r djrk gqvk izrhr gks jgk gSA
      vius vf/kdkjksa o U;k; dh izkfIr gsrq tc yk[kksa yksxksa us “kkafriwoZd /kjuk izn”kZu o vkUnksyu fd;k rks izns”k ljdkj us ccZrkZiwoZd ykBh pktZ djokdj U;k; dh vkokt dks ckj&ckj nck dj “kfDr”kkyh lRrk ds vkxs tcjnLrh >qdk fn;kA bl chp gks jgs vU;k; o vuko”;d foyEc ls volknxzLr gksdj geesa ls vusd vH;fFkZ;ksa us vius izk.k R;kx fn;s gSaA
      egksn;] vkt ds bl fo’ke jktuSfrd nkSj esa ;fn gesa viuk Hkfo’; lqjf{kr fn[kkbZ nsrk gS rks og gS U;k;ikfydk ds gkFkksa esaA vr% Jheku~ th ls lknj iwoZd fuosnu gS fd egksn; ekeys dks Lor% laKku esa ysdj bl ekeys dh xaHkhjrk o laosnu”khyrk dks le>rs gq, ekeys dk ;Fkk”kh?kz fuLrkj.k djus dh egrh d`ik djsaA

fnukad&                                                           izs’kd
      s                                                ¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;FkhZ½
                                                               mRrj izns”k

lsok esa]
ekuuh; eq[; U;k;k/kh”k
Jh ,l0,p0 dkifM+;k th]
lqizhe dksVZ]  
ubZ fnYyh] Hkkjr
      vkt mRrj izns”k ds yxHkx 3 yk[k v/;kid ik=rk ijh{kk&2011¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0½ mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa o muls tqM+s ifjokjksa dk Hkfo’; nkWao ij gSA f”k{kk ls tqM+s bl vfrlaosnu”khy eqn~ns ij jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk o U;k;ikfydk dh laosnughurk ls ge Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa dk Hkfo’; [kRe gksrk utj vk jgk gSA
      izns”k esa yxHkx 3-24 yk[k izkFkfed f”k{kdksa ds in [kkyh gSaA izns”k esa f”k{kk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e ¼R.T.E. izns”k esa izHkkoh :Ik ls ykxw&1 viszSy lu~ 2009½ ykxw gksus ds ckotwn fiNys pkj o’kksaZ ls ,d Hkh in ij HkrhZ u djuk o bl fn”kk esa dksbZ Bksl dne u mBkuk jkT; ljdkj dh fuf’Ø;rk dk Li’V izek.k gSA vkt mRrj izns”k esa yk[kksa izf”kf{kr] ;ksX; izfrHkkoku f”k{kdksa ds gksrs gq, Hkh vizf”kf{kr f”k{kdksa ds gkFk esa djksM+ksa ukSfugkyksa dks lkSai dj muds Hkfo’; ds lkFk Hkh f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn;] izns”k esa igyh ckj brus cM+s iSekus ij ¼72825 inksa ij½ lerk] U;k; o O;ogkfjdrk ij vk/kkfjr Vh0bZ0Vh0 esfjV ds vk/kkj ij lqizf”kf{kr ;ksX; vuqHkoh f”k{kdksa dh HkrhZ iwoZorhZ ljdkj }kjk dh tk jgh FkhA ijUrq      lRrk ifjorZu ds ckn ekStwnk ljdkj }kjk cjrh tk jgh fuf’Ø;rk o jktuSfrd ykHk dekus gsrq HkrhZ izfØ;k dh fof/k;ksa o “kqfprk ds lkFk NsM+NkM+ dj] dkuwuh nkWaoispksa esa QWalk dj O;FkZ dh ck/kk,Wa [kM+k dj vuko”;d :Ik ls HkrhZ izfØ;k dks ckf/kr dj foyEc fd;k tk jgk gSA ftlesa U;k;ikfydk dh vkM+ esa eqn~ns dks dkQh yEcs le; ls ckf/kr dj u dsoy Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ksa ds Hkfo’; ds lkFk f[kyokM+ fd;k tk jgk gS] cfYd izns”k ds djksM+ksa xjhc] vlgk;] ukSfugkyksa ds Hkfo’; dks Hkh lekIr fd;k tk jgk gSA
      egksn; KkrO; gks fd f”k{kd HkrhZ izfØ;k ls tqM+s ekeys mPp U;k;ky; bykgkckn esa 21 fnlEcj 2011 ls yfEcr gS] ftu ij vusdksa frfFk;ksa ij frfFk;kWa iM+us ds ckn vkt lkr ekg chr tkus ds ckn Hkh dksbZ lquokbZ u gks ikuk fdruk nqHkkZX;iw.kZ gS vkSj ;g nksf’k;ksa] nkfx;ksa dks vizR;{k :Ik ls iksf’kr o lajf{kr djrk gqvk rFkk yk[kksa csxqukgksa dks ekufld] vkfFkZd o lkekftd :Ik ls mRihfM+r djrk gqvk izrhr gks jgk gSA
      vius vf/kdkjksa o U;k; dh izkfIr gsrq tc yk[kksa yksxksa us “kkafriwoZd /kjuk izn”kZu o vkUnksyu fd;k rks izns”k ljdkj us ccZrkZiwoZd ykBh pktZ djokdj U;k; dh vkokt dks ckj&ckj nck dj “kfDr”kkyh lRrk ds vkxs tcjnLrh >qdk fn;kA bl chp gks jgs vU;k; o vuko”;d foyEc ls volknxzLr gksdj geesa ls vusd vH;fFkZ;ksa us vius izk.k R;kx fn;s gSaA
      egksn;] vkt ds bl fo’ke jktuSfrd nkSj esa ;fn gesa viuk Hkfo’; lqjf{kr fn[kkbZ nsrk gS rks og gS U;k;ikfydk ds gkFkksa esaA vr% Jheku~ th ls lknj iwoZd fuosnu gS fd egksn; ekeys dks Lor% laKku esa ysdj bl ekeys dh xaHkhjrk o laosnu”khyrk dks le>rs gq, ekeys dk ;Fkk”kh?kz fuLrkj.k djus dh egrh d`ik djsaA

fnukad&                                                           izs’kd
      s                                                ¼;w0ih0Vh0bZ0Vh0 mRrh.kZ vH;FkhZ½
                                                               mRrj izns”k

            The Hon’ble Justice,
            Sri Arun Tandon
High Court,
            Allahabad, U.P.
            Today all of approximately 3 Lakhs U.P.T.E.T. qualified students and their family are facing an uncertainty of their future. The future of all of us U.P.T.E.T. qualified students is dying day by day due to U.P. Government neutrality and imperviousness of court upon such a very sensitive matter concerned with education.
            There are approx. 3.24 Lakhs PRT Teacher seats vacant this year. It is a clear evidence of neutrality by State Govt. neither recruiting nor taking any strong steps in this matter besides the RTE Act have been already activated since 1st Apr. 2009. Today Crores of children are being educated in scramble way by untrained teachers instead of lakhs of trained teachers, who are already available in U.P.
            Sir, Well trained teachers were being recruited by previous Govt. on the basis of TET Merit that lays upon the scale of equality, justice & practicality. But recruitment process is being delayed unnecessarily by various useless obstacles regarding recruitment process, cleanliness and using legal tactics for the sake of political issues by this govt. From behind the stay in court, not only the T.E.T. passed candidate’s future is being played but also the future of Crores of poor, helpless children is being crushed by delaying and producing obstacles.
            Sir, This is to mention that cases relating to teacher recruitment process is dumped and holding off further delayed by giving date by date and this is very fateful that today it being SEVEN months old case, not a single hearing have been done. Due to this condition, the case related to stay seems soothing and nourishing indirectly to victims and education mafias.
            When we lakhs of candidates picketing and agitating peacefully to achieve our rights and gain justice then the U.P. Govt. compelling to bow and swallowing all of efforts of us by using power through lathi charging brutally by securityforces.
            In the mid, many candidates among us dying (8 candidates died till now) due to mental pressure and harassment by injustice and unnecessary delaying.
            Sir, today we are looking our future secured only in the hands of the respective court. Therefore, we submissively request you for a fast disposal of the Stay Case No. 76039 of 2011 after hearing with an understanding of case sensitivity and seriousness.  
Dated-                                                                                                                         Sender:                       
                                                                                                 (U.P.T.E.T. Uttirn Chaatra Sangh)
                                                                                                                 Uttar Pradesh

            The Hon’ble Chief Justice,
            Syed Rafat Alam
High Court,
            Allahabad, U.P.
            Today all of approximately 3 Lakhs U.P.T.E.T. qualified students and their family are facing an uncertainty of their future. The future of all of us U.P.T.E.T. qualified students is dying day by day due to U.P. Government neutrality and imperviousness of court upon such a very sensitive matter concerned with education.
            There are approx. 3.24 Lakhs PRT Teacher seats vacant this year. It is a clear evidence of neutrality by State Govt. neither recruiting nor taking any strong steps in this matter besides the RTE Act have been already activated since 1st Apr. 2009. Today Crores of children are being educated in scramble way by untrained teachers instead of lakhs of trained teachers, who are already available in U.P.
            Sir, Well trained teachers were being recruited by previous Govt. on the basis of TET Merit that lays upon the scale of equality, justice & practicality. But recruitment process is being delayed unnecessarily by various useless obstacles regarding recruitment process, cleanliness and using legal tactics for the sake of political issues by this govt. From behind the stay in court, not only the T.E.T. passed candidate’s future is being played but also the future of Crores of poor, helpless children is being crushed by delaying and producing obstacles.
            Sir, This is to mention that cases relating to teacher recruitment process is dumped and holding off further delayed by giving date by date and this is very fateful that today it being SEVEN months old case, not a single hearing have been done. Due to this condition, the case related to stay seems soothing and nourishing indirectly to victims and education mafias.
            When we lakhs of candidates picketing and agitating peacefully to achieve our rights and gain justice then the U.P. Govt. compelling to bow and swallowing all of efforts of us by using power through lathi charging brutally by securityforces.
            In the mid, many candidates among us dying (8 candidates died till now) due to mental pressure and harassment by injustice and unnecessary delaying.
            Sir, today we are looking our future secured only in the hands of the respective court. Therefore, we submissively request you for a fast disposal of the Stay Case No. 76039 of 2011 after hearing with an understanding of case sensitivity and seriousness. 
Dated-                                                                                                                         Sender:                       
                                                                                                 (U.P.T.E.T. Uttirn Chaatra Sangh)
                                                                                                                 Uttar Pradesh

            The Hon’ble Chief Justice,
            Sri S. H. Kapadia
Supreme Court,
            New Delhi, INDIA
            Today all of approximately 3 Lakhs U.P.T.E.T. qualified students and their family are facing an uncertainty of their future. The future of all of us U.P.T.E.T. qualified students is dying day by day due to U.P. Government neutrality and imperviousness of court upon such a very sensitive matter concerned with education.
            There are approx. 3.24 Lakhs PRT Teacher seats vacant this year. It is a clear evidence of neutrality by State Govt. neither recruiting nor taking any strong steps in this matter besides the RTE Act have been already activated since 1st Apr. 2009. Today Crores of children are being educated in scramble way by untrained teachers instead of lakhs of trained teachers, who are already available in U.P.
            Sir, Well trained teachers were being recruited by previous Govt. on the basis of TET Merit that lays upon the scale of equality, justice & practicality. But recruitment process is being delayed unnecessarily by various useless obstacles regarding recruitment process, cleanliness and using legal tactics for the sake of political issues by this govt. From behind the stay in court, not only the T.E.T. passed candidate’s future is being played but also the future of Crores of poor, helpless children is being crushed by delaying and producing obstacles.
            Sir, This is to mention that cases relating to teacher recruitment process is dumped and holding off further delayed by giving date by date and this is very fateful that today it being SEVEN months old case, not a single hearing have been done. Due to this condition, the case related to stay seems soothing and nourishing indirectly to victims and education mafias.
            When we lakhs of candidates picketing and agitating peacefully to achieve our rights and gain justice then the U.P. Govt. compelling to bow and swallowing all of efforts of us by using power through lathi charging brutally by securityforces.
            In the mid, many candidates among us dying (8 candidates died till now) due to mental pressure and harassment by injustice and unnecessary delaying.
            Sir, today we are looking our future secured only in the hands of the respective court. Therefore, we submissively request you for a fast disposal of the Stay Case No. 76039 of 2011 after hearing with an understanding of case sensitivity and seriousness. 
Dated-                                                                                                                         Sender:                       
                                                                                                 (U.P.T.E.T. Uttirn Chaatra Sangh)
                                                                                                                 Uttar Pradesh